Based on the previous version, SuperMap iDesktopX 10i(2021) SP1 creates and improves the following features.
Data Management
- When opening a SQL Plus database-based datasource, you can specify the driver type of the database.
- Optimizes the display of a raster histogram.
- You are allowed to create multiple tasks to build overview maps from your mosaic dataset to improve the building efficiency.
- Introduces a new ability to check attribute data. It allows you to construct error rules by SQL expressions. Once you enable the error filter, you can check error data in your attribute table.
- The Summary Field function supports counting the number of single values of statistical fields.
Streaming Data Management
- The feature Send Instant Streaming Data supports detecting if a local instant streaming service is enabled convenient for you to enable one by one-click.
- The Instant Streaming Service Management > can enable and stop multiple services,
Data Edit and Processing
- You are allowed to specify the number of lines and interval between lines and draw parallel lines at the same time.
- The new feature Remove Redundant Node can delete redundant nodes from regional objects without changing their shapes, thereby simplifying data and improving its rendering efficiency.
- The new feature Data Collection can collect spatial and attribute information according to the specified data and symbolized templates, then generating maps conveniently.
- You can undo the last controlling of layers and the last operation on context menu of layers and redo the last undone.
- CAD objects supports loading and outputting style templates. Moreover, you can save objects styles to the template library.
- Layout objects supports loading and outputting style templates. Moreover, you can save objects styles to the template library.
Optimizations on Marker Symbol Editor:
- You can modify the origin, name, and sequence number of a raster markers and set its transparency.
- You can import True Type font and AutoCAD files as markers.
- You can export markers to SVG files.
Map Tiles
Optimizes the ability to check map tiles:
- Supports checking raster tiles saved on MongoDB and local tiles in formats of GIFF, JPG, and PNG8.
- The expressions of the checking results are optimized. You are allowed to create label thematic maps based on the types of error tiles to make the types more clear.
- You can specify a path to save the checking results.
- The checking results can be output as CSV files. The resulting CSV files record the number of error items and positions of error tiles.
- The storage of checking results is improved. The resulting datasources and maps can be saved to a new workspace conveniently for the backup and backing of data.
Optimizes the feature Check Border :
- Improves the checking efficiency of borders of tiles in the level of 18 or above.
- You can switch the checking tile with Up and Down keys at your keyboard, which is convenient for you to check and mark tiles.
- You can mark the types of error tiles with shortcuts. Besides, you can customize shortcuts.
Optimizes the management of tiles:
- Supports exporting tiles from MongoDB to local compact tiles.
- Supports converting local tiles or MongoDB tiles to MongoDB tiles.
- The application will wrap extra-long text automatically on a layout.
Network and Traffic Analysis
- The Create Flow Direction feature supports setting obstacle points and edges.
- The new feature Traffic Transfer can find out the appropriate transfer schemes for users according to the given traffic data together with starting point and ending point.
- The new feature Search Route can search routes that pass the specific stations.
- The Publish Workspace can publish a workspace to a micro service of iManager. During the publishing procedure, you can select an existing node or create a new iManager service node.
Video Map
- You can set properties of video layers on a map window.
- You can set properties of video layers on a scene window.
Video Analysis
- You can set the visible styles and border widths of labels that display the resulting detections.
- Instantly, the application can generate a diagram to display the target statistics.
- The application allows you to set the styles of resulting text obtained by fence analyses and velocity analyses.
- The ability of distributed video detection allows users to analyze videos on multiple computers and display the detections on a specified computers, improving the video-detecting performance.
- The application improves the video-analysis performance by 40% to 80% with Redis.
Geospatial Processing Automation
Construct and Execute Model
- You can encrypt your information when outputting parameters to a log file.
- The log information of model execution removes redundant information.
Model Management
- The feature Export Model encrypts the datasource-connection information when exporting a model to a file.
Common Tools
- Both Numeric Buffers and Field Buffers introduce a new parameter Buffer End Type for the settings of buffer ends.
- Some tools limits the dataset types as inputs.
- The new tool Construct Reclassified Range is developed to support the reclassifying tools to get range values from datasets during the modeling.
Distributed Tools
- The application can read a mosaic dataset as a raster dataset (RasterRDD).
- Fixes the bug that double clicking DSF-related tools leads to the application crashes.
- The new tool Context Inference supports reclassifying and re-sampling.
Data Migration
Data MIgration
- Migrates multiple points to point datasets.
- The feature Import SDE supports migrating the specified data.
- The application can import annotations as text layers together with styles, coordinate systems, and scales.
Map Migration
- If the application failed to connect to the SDE database associated with MXD, it still can migrate maps and layouts.
- You can migrate data from MXD to any database-based datasource supported by the application.
- You are allowed to set the importing charset of MXD to ensure data can be parsed and display correctly.
- The application does improvements in symbol migration and the virtual-solid combination of linear symbols. Moreover, it supports setting angular offsets of text and filling lines at any angle in filling symbols.
Layout Migration
- The ability of layout migration can migrate points, lines, and regions to SuperMap data.
Interactive Experience
- The Startup page allows you to open sample data, your data, and resource connection quickly.
- Introduces color models like similar colors to set colors convenient for the selection of proper colors, which improves the coloring efficiency.
- The application provides a token-getting guide to help you open a MapWorld map.
- The parameter description appears when you hover over an icon beside a parameter in the tool interface.