Creating Default Ranges Map


Based on the current vector layer, create a ranges map. provides several templates for default, population distribution, construction land, temperature distribution.

When using the thematic map templates, it needs to make sure that the fields exist. If the current layer does not have the fields of thematic map, a prompt dialog box will pop up, as shown below:

Basic Steps

  1. Select a vector layer for a Ranges Map in the layer manager.
  2. In the layer manager, select a vector layer, right-click and select Create Thematic Map … in the pop-up menu, or in the Ranges group of the Thematic Map, select a range thematic map template to create a range thematic map based on the template style.
  3. A ranges map in template style is added to the Layer Manager as a thematic map layer automatically.
  4. The system built-in and user defined templates can manage the templates uniformly, please refer to Templates Manager for more information.


  • The default set-up information for making the current thematic map is shown in the Thematic Map Manager window: the thematic variables for making the thematic map, the color scheme for the range thematic map, the number of range, and the list of all ranges. Users can re-set the style of the thematic value, by modifying the default generated sub-thematic map to get more in line with the needs of users feature map effect.
  • After you close the Ranges Map window, you can double-click the layer or right-click in the Layer Manager, select Modify Thematic Map, and open the Thematic Map Manager window to modify the thematic map.

Modifying Ranges Maps