API interface

The product provides API interfaces as follows:

namespace namespace description taxon class description port parameter effect
SuperMapSDK SuperMap SDK namespace, including data loading, 3D analysis and other functions RealspaceView interface main class SceneControl:get SceneControl Get scene control class
IsSelected:get/set bool Support Selected
IsOperateCamera:get/set bool Whether to perform lens control operation
IsCollision:get/set bool Add collision volume
WorldOrigin:get Vector3d Return to rendered center point
MultiViewportMode:get/set MultiViewportMode Get/Set Split Screen Mode
void SetMainCamera(ref Camera camera) Camera: Scene camera Set up the main camera
bool Initialize() Initialize, called before rendering the first frame
void Render() Render Update invoked every frame
void PreRender() Events executed before rendering of the main scene
void OnDestroy() Destroy all objects
public void SetGeoreferenceOrigin(double dLongitude, double dLatitude, double dAltitude) dLongitude: longitude
dLatitude: Latitude
dAltitude: Height
Set geographic origin
GeoreferenceComponent Georeferencing Component Class Longitude:get/set double Longitude of associated object
Latitude:get/set double latitude of the associated object
Altitude:get/set double Height of associated object
ECEF:get Vector3d ECEF coordinates of the associated object
GameObject:set GameObject associated object
void Start() Called in the script's start method
void Update() Called in the script's Update method
SceneEditorWnd Scene Operation Unified Management Class enum PixelToGlobeMode
        TerrainAndModel = 0,
        Sphere = 1
TerrainAndModel Both terrain and model participate in intersection
Sphere intersects only with the surface
Intersection type
enum Action3D
        Null = 0,
        Pan = 1,
        PointSelect = 10,
        RectSelect = 11,
        MeasureDistance = 31,
        MeasureArea = 32,
        MeasureHeight = 33,
        MeasureHorizontalDistance = 39,
        PanSelect = 105,
NullNo action
Action enumeration
Analyst3D Analytical base class (pure virtual base class) num AnalyzeMode
Sightline = 1,
ViewShed = 2,
Skyline = 3,
ProjectionImage = 4,
ShadowVisibilityQuery = 5,
Cluster = 6,
 ViewDome = 7,
Facade = 8
Sightline analysis
ViewShed Viewview analysis
Skyline Skyline
ProjectionImage Video Delivery
ShadowVisibilityQuery Sunlight Analysis
Cluster aggregation
Analysis of ViewDome Openness
Facade Elevation Analysis
analysis type
enum AnalysisQuality
        Low = 0,
        Medium = 1,
        High = 2
High High
analytical quality
AnalyzeMode:get AnalyzeMode Get Analysis Type
void Build() perform analysis
void Clear() clear analysis
AssetStyle Resource Style Category enum AssetType
        Prefab = 0,
        Material = 1
Prefab preset
Material Material
resource type
AssetType:get/set AssetType resource type
AssetField:get/set string Set/Get Style Field
Conditions:get/set SerializableDictionary<string, string> Set the corresponding asset or material according to the different attribute values of the field
AssetPath:get/set string asset path
Atmosphere Atmospheric category IsVisible:get/set bool Is the atmosphere visible?
AttributeField Attribute field information Name:get string Get attribute field name
CameraState camera pitch angle class CameraState(Camera camera) constructor
CameraState(double lon, double lat, double altitude, double tilt, double heading, double roll) lon: longitude
lat: latitude
altitude: altitude
tilt: pitch angle
heading: azimuth
roll: roll angle
the state of the camera
Camera:get/set Camera associated camera
Tilt:get/set double Get Set Pitch Angle
Heading:get/set double Get Set Horizontal Angle
Roll:get/set double Get Set Roll Angle
Altitude:get/set double Get Set Height
Latitude:get/set double Get Set Latitude
Longitude:get/set double Get Set Longitude
ClipModeType Scene crop type enumeration enum ClipModeType
    ClipNothing = 0,
    ClipInner = 1,
    ClipOuter = 2
ClipNothing: No clipping
ClipInner: Inner clipping, keep data inside clipping area
ClipOuter: Outcrop, keep data outside the crop area
Scene crop type
FlyManager Flight route class enum FlyTurningMode
        Smoothly = 0,
        Directly = 1
Smoothly: smooth turn
Directly: right angle turn
Flight Turn Type
enum FlyStatus
Stop: The current flight status is already stopped.
Pause: The current flight status is suspended
Play: The current flight status is in flight. You can set the flight status type to Play after pausing. Continue flying.
in flight
Duration:get/set double Gets or sets the total time, in seconds, required for this flight (i.e., the entire current route).
PlayRate:get/set double Gets or sets the playback rate. The attribute values range from 0 to 100, with values greater than 1.0 indicating fast flight along the flight path and values less than 1.0 indicating slow flight along the flight path.
TurningMode:get/set FlyTurningMode Gets or sets the way the flight turns. Support right angle and smooth turns.
Routes:get Routes Get Route Collection
Status:get FlyStatus Get current flight status (stopped, paused, in flight)
CurrentStopIndex:get/set int Gets or sets the site to which the current flight is directed
void Play() Start the flight according to the route specified by the return route set (Routes), or continue the interrupted flight
void Stop() Stop current flight
void Pause() Suspend current flight
void Update() Update internal calculations for flight management
GlobalImage terrestrial class IsVisible:get/set bool Set/Get Surface Transparency
Int32 AddExcavationRegion(Geometry geometry, string tag) geometry: three-dimensional surface
Tag: name
returns index
Add an excavation
void ClearExcavationRegions() Clear all excavation faces
Geometry GetExcavationRegion(int index) index: index Obtain excavation face according to index
string GetExcavationRegionTag(int index) index: index
returns: tagname
Get Excavated Face Label
int IndexOfExcavationRegion(string tag) tag: tag name
returns index
Gets the excavation index for the specified label
bool RemoveExcavationRegion(int index) index: index
returns Delete successfully
Delete excavation face at specified index
bool SetExcavationRegionTag(int index, string tag index: index
tag: tag name
returns: whether the setting is successful
Sets the name of the excavation face for the specified index
HeatMapInfo thermodynamic diagram class PointPixel:get/set Int32 pixel size
Intension:get/set double maximum intensity value
HypsometricSetting layered coloring class enum DisplayMode
        NONE = 0,
        Face = 1,
        Line = 2,
        Face_And_Line = 3,
Face Fill Texture
Line contour
Face_And_Line Mixed Mode
Display mode enumeration
enum AnalysisMode
        AM_CONTOUR_MAP = 0,
        AM_GUIDES = 2,  
AM_CONTOUR_MAP Contour Analysis
Analysis mode enumeration
DisplayMode:get/set DisplayMode display mode
AnalysisMode:get/set AnalysisMode analysis mode
LinesInterval:get/set double arrangement pitch
LineColor:get/set Color Set line color
MaxVisibleValue:get/set double maximum visible value
MinVisibleValue:get/set double minimum visible value
Texture:get/set Texture2D color table
ColorTableMaxKey:get/set double Maximum value of comparison table
ColorTableMinKey:get/set double minimum of comparison table
Opacity:get/set double transparency
Layer3D 3D layer class. This class provides a series of attributes for 3D map management, such as 3D layer display control. Name:get string Get layer name
DataName:get string Get layer data name
IsVisible:get/set bool Set/Get Layer Visibility
Type:get Layer3DType Return to layer type
OriginalPosition:get/set Vector3 Set Layer Insertion Point
Bounds:get Rectangle2D Get layer bound
BoundingBoxUGC:get Bounds Get the bounding box under UGC coordinate system
Selection:get/set Selection3D Get/Set Selection Set
ClipLineColor:get/set Color Crop Line Color
SelectedColor:get/set Color selected color
CullMode:get/set CullMode Get/Set Layer Rendering Mode
Style:get/set Style3D Layer Style
MinObjectVisibleDistance:get/set double Gets or sets the minimum visible distance value, in meters, for this 3D layer model object.
MaxObjectVisibleDistance:get/set double Gets or sets the maximum visible distance value, in meters, for this 3D layer model object.
MaxVisibleAltitude:get/set double Gets or sets the maximum visible height of a 3D layer
MinVisibleAltitude:get/set double Gets or sets the minimum visible height of a 3D layer
bool GetVisibleInViewport(short viewport) viewport: viewport Gets the visibility of a layer in a specified viewport
void SetVisibleInViewport(short viewport, bool isVisible) viewport: viewport
iVisible: Is it visible?
Sets the visibility of a layer in a specified viewport
void SetCustomClipPlane(Vector3d firstPoint, Vector3d secondPoint, Vector3d thirdPoint) firstPoint
Set custom clipping faces
void ClipByBox(GeoBox geo, ClipModeType mode) geo: box object
mode: crop mode
box cropping
void ClearCustomClipPlane() Clear crop faces
GeoBox GetClipBox(); Get the box to crop
ClipModeType  GetClipModeType(); Get Box crop pattern
void UpdateData() refresh the layer
Layer3DDatasetVector Vector Layer Base Class Theme3D:get/set Theme3D
Layer3DImageFile Image File Layer Class image class
FieldInfo Dataset field information class. Stores information such as the name, type, and etc. of the field. Type:get FieldType Attribute Field Value Type
Name:get String Attribute field class
Layer3Ds 3D layer collection class. This class manages all 3D layers in a 3D scene. Count:get Int Get the number of layers
this[Int32 index]:get Layer3D
index: Specify the index of the layer
Returns the layer of the specified index
this[string name]:get Layer3D
name: Specifies the name of the layer
Returns the layer with the specified name
Layer3D Add(string strDataName,Layer3DType layerType,bool bAddToHead,string layerName) strDataName: full path of configuration file [in]
layerType: Layer type [in]
bAddToHead: Add to the front of the queue [in]
string layerName: layer name
Add a local layer
Layer3D Add(string strDataName, string layerName, Layer3DSetting layerSetting) strDataName Configuration File Full Path
layerSetting dataset property base class
Open Point/Line/Polygon/Model Dataset
Layer3D Add(string strServerRootUrl, string layerName) strServerRootUrl: URL address
layerName: layer name
Load other rest services
Layer3D Add(string strStdLayerName, Layer3DType layerType, string strStdUserName, string strStdPassWord) strStdLayerName: layer name
layerType: Layer type
strStdUserName: Account
strStdPassWord: Password
Online OpenStreetMap, BingMaps, etc.
Layer3D Add(string iserverURL, string layerName, string dataName, float fDPI, ImageFormatType imageType, bool addToHead) iserverURL: Online address [in]
layerName: layer name
dataName: Data name
fDPI: Device Resolution
imageType: Image type
addToHead: Add to the front of the queue
Add Day Map
Layer3D Add(string strURL, Layer3DType layerType,string layerName,bool addToHead) strURL:URL address [in]
layerType: layer type [in]
layerName: layerName [in]
bAddToHead: Add to the front of the queue [in]
Add an online layer
bool Remove(string strLayerName) strLayerName: layer name Remove specified layers
Layer3DS3MFile Tile Layer Class enum S3MType
        ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel = 0,
        NormalCacheFile = 1,   
        PointCloud = 11,    
ObliquePhotogrammetry3DModel oblique photographic model
NormalCacheFile Common OS.
PointCloud point cloud
data type
enum LoadingPriorityEnum
        Root_Priority = 0,         
        Child_Priority = 1,          
        UsePagedLodInfo = 2,  
        Child_Priority_NonLinear = 3    
Root_Priority depth-first
Child_Priority breadth first
UsePagedLodInfo index precedence
Child_Priority_NonLinear depth-first nonlinear switching
Load S3M scheduling mode
LODRangeScale:get/set float Set LOD layer level
MaxDataValue:get double Gets the maximum height or intensity value of the data
MinDataValue:get double Gets the minimum height or intensity value of the data
ClampVector:set   Set whether to stick to the ground
HypsometricSetting:get HypsometricSetting hypsometric
DataType:get S3MType Get S3M Type
List<string> GetAllFieldValue(int nID) nID: ID value Gets all attribute values for the current ID object
List<AttributeField> GetAttributeFields() Gets all attribute fields for the current layer
Int32 AddFlattenRegion(GeoRegion3D geometry, string tag) geometry: polygon
tag: polygon name
Add a flattened object, specify the object label
void StopProcess() stop updating
void StartProcess() start updating
void ClearFlattenRegions() Empty Flat Object
GeoRegion3D GetFlattenRegion(Int32 index) index: index of new region Get the flattened object Geometry for this index
string GetFlattenRegionTag(Int32 index) Get the flattened object label for this index
Int32 IndexOfFlattenRegion(string tag) tag: flatten object tag Get the flattened object index for this label
bool RemoveFlattenRegion(Int32 index) index: flatten object index Remove the flattened object for this index
bool SetFlattenRegionTag(Int32 index, string tag) index: flatten object index
tag: new tag
Sets the flattened object label for this index
void SetCustomClipPlane(Vector3d firstPoint, Vector3d secondPoint, Vector3d thirdPoint) firstPoint: The first point
secondPoint: second point
thirdPoint: Third Point
Set custom clipping faces
void ClearCustomClipPlane() Clear crop faces
void SetObjectsVisible(List<Int32> ids, bool visible) Set ID Object Visibility
void SetObjectsTranslate(List<Int32> ids, Vector3d translate) ids: Object ID array
translate: distance of XYZ offset
Set ID Object Offset
void SetObjectsMaterial(List<Int32> ids, string MaterialPath) Set ID Object Unity Material
Layer3DType 3D layer type enumeration class enum Layer3DType
    ImageFile = 1,
    KML = 2,
    OSGB   = 15,
    BingMaps = 22,
    OpenStreetMaps = 24,
    ArcgisMaps = 34,
    Dataset = 3,
    WMS = 11,
    WMTS = 12
    Map = 9
ImageFile Image layer
KML KML layer
OS2model tile layer
BingMaps Online BingMaps data
OpenStreetMaps online OpenStreetMaps data
Dataset dataset layer
WMS WMS Services
WMTS WMTS Services
Map Map Services
layer types
enum ImageFormatType
    none = 0,
    BMP = 121,
    JPG = 122,
    JPG_PNG = 147
BMP: BMP format
JPG: JPG format
imagery types
enum TerrainLayerType
    STK = 2,
    TIANDITU = 3,
STK :STK Terrain
TIANDITU: Sky Terrain
terrain type
MaterialsEditor Classes for layer material editing bool SetMaterialAsset(Layer3DDatasetModel layer, string gameObjectName, string strNewMaterialPath) layer Target layer
gameObjectName Modified child object name
strNewMaterialPath: new material name (only material names with tape paths in the Resources directory)
change the material
Routes flight path set Count:get int
CurrentRouteIndex:get/set int Gets or sets the current route. Default is-1 if there is no Route.
this[int index]:get Route
int IndexOf(string RouteName) RouteName: Route Name Returns the sequence number of the route with the specified name.
Route Create(string RouteName) RouteName: Route Name New flight path
bool FromFile(string file) file: flight path file Imports an alignment collection object from a specified file
bool ToFile(string file) file: flight path file Export route collection to local file
bool Remove(int nIndex) nIndex: Route index Delete routes for specified indexes
Route Flight route class this[int nIndex]:get RouteStop Get Route Site
Count:get int Number of route stops
Name:get/set string Get Route Name
IsFlyingLoop:get/set bool Do you fly in circles?
int IndexOf(string StopName) StopName: Site name Get Site Index
bool Insert(RouteStop stop, int nIndex) Stop: Site
nIndex: Site Index
insertion site
bool Contains(string StopName) StopName: Site name Determines whether the specified name is contained in the site collection
bool Add(RouteStop stop) Stop: Site new sites
bool Remove(int nIndex) nIndex: Index of the specified site Delete specified sites
RouteStop Flight site class Name:get/set string site name
Duration:get/set double Gets or sets the duration of the flight from a stop departure to the next stop. The default value is 0 in seconds.
void SetCamera(CameraState state) state: camera state Set camera pose for site
CameraState GetCameraState() Get camera pose for site
Scene 3D scene class. 3D data is added to the 3D scene based on geospatial reference information. enum MultiViewportMode
    None = 0,
    Horizontal = 1
None: Restore split screen
orizonal: left and right split screen
Split screen mode switching
Layers:get Layer3Ds Return to 3D Layer Collection
TerrainLayers:get TerrainLayers Return to Terrain Layer Collection
TrackingLayer:get TrackingLayer Back to trace layer
SceneType:get/set SceneType scene type
Sky:get Sky Scene Sky Object
IsStarVisible:get/set bool Do you want to show stars?
Atmosphere:get Atmosphere Get the atmosphere
Sun:get Sun Return to Sun Object
GlobalImage:get GlobalImage Return to Global Basemap Object
IsCreateSkirt:get/set bool Open skirt
SkirtHeight:set float Set skirt height
FlyManager:get FlyManager
TerrainExaggeration:get/set Double topographic exaggeration
Scene() constructor
bool Open(string url, string name) urlOnline Scene URL
name Scene name
Open online scene
bool Open(string name) name Scene name open the scene
void Close() close the scene
void Refresh() refresh the scene
double GetScale() Get Scale
Vector3d PixelToCartesian(Vector3 point) point: screen coordinates Get Pixels to Cartesian Coordinates in Unity Space
Vector3d PixelToGlobe(Vector3 point) point: screen coordinates Get the true geographic location of the pixel
Vector3d PixelToGlobe(Vector3 point, PixelToGlobeMode mode) Pointscreen coordinates
mode calculation mode
Get the true geographic location of the pixel
void LongitudeLatitudeToUnity(double dLon, double dLat, double dHeight, out Quaternion Rotation, out Vector3 Position) dLon: Longitude value
dLat: latitude value
dHeight: Height value
Rotation: rotation quaternion
Position: Cartesian coordinates
Latitude to Unity coordinates
double GetHeight(double dLon, double dLat) Specify geographic coordinates to get altitude
Vector3d CartesianToLonLat(Vector3d vtCartesian) vtCartesian: Cartesian coordinates Cartesian coordinates to longitude
void EnsureVisible(Vector3 position) position: insertion point Quickly locate assigned layers
void EnsureVisible(TerrainLayer layer) Navigate to the terrain layer
void EnsureVisible(Layer3D layer) Navigate to layer
void Fly(Vector3 position, int seconds) position: Specify the position
seconds: flight time
Fly to specified layer
void Fly(CameraState cameraState, int milliseconds) Fly to specified camera pose
void Fly(Bounds GlobeBoundingBox, int milliseconds) Fly to the box.
string ToXML() Export information to XML files
bool FromXML(string xml) Import information from XML files
bool ToJson(string strJsonFilePath) strJsonFilePath: json file Export information to json file
bool FromJson(string strJsonFilePath) strJsonFilePath: json file Import information from json files
bool GetSelectedInfo(Vector3 point, ref SelectInfo Info) Point screen coordinates
layer Returns child object information
Get sub-object information of current screen coordinates, collision detection needs to be enabled
SceneControl 3D Scene Control Class Scene:get Get Scene Objects
TerrainPosition:get/set Vector3 Set insertion points for terrain imagery
Action:get/set Action3D Set scene operation status
SceneType Scene Type Enumeration Class enum SceneType
       Flat = 0,
       Ellipsoid_WGS84 = 6
flat: flat
Ellipsoid_WGS84: Ellipsoid
Scene type enumeration
Selection3D 3D Selection Set class, which handles objects selected on 3D scenes. Layer:get Layer3D Get associated layers
this[Int32 index]:get Int32 Get Object ID from Selected Object Index
LastSelectID:get Int32 Gets the ID of the last selected object
Count:get Int32 Number of selected objects
SelectedMaterial:get/set string Set the material of the selection set, if the Unity material is replaced by objects in the layer, you must set the material of the selection set
TerrainLayer Terrain layer class. This class contains attribute information about terrain layer objects Name:get string layer name
MinHeight:get float minimum constructive height
MaxHeight:get float maximum height
IsVisible:get/set bool set visibility
IsShowGlobe:get/set bool Display invalid values
LODRangeScale:get/set float Set LOD layer level
Bounds:get Rectangle2D Get Bounds
TerrainLayers Terrain layer collection class. Add and remove terrain layers by setting this class. Count:get Int Get the number of layers
this[Int32 index]:get TerrainLayer
index: layer index
Returns the layer of the specified index
this[string name]:get TerrainLayer
name: layer name
Returns the layer with the specified name
HypsometricSetting:get HypsometricSetting hypsometric
SlopeSetting:get SlopeSetting slope and aspect
TerrainLayer Add(string iserverURL,
string strLayerName)
iserverURL: Online address [in]
strLayerName: LayerName [in]
Add online terrain
TerrainLayer Add(string strFile,
bool addToHead)
strFile: Terrain profile path [in]
addToHead: Add to front of layer [in]
Add local terrain
public TerrainLayer Add(string strURL, string strLayerName, TerrainLayerType eLayerType) strURL:URL address [in]
strLayerName: layer name
eLayerType: Layer Type
Add a common terrain layer
bool Remove(int Index) Remove Terrain
TrackingLayer Track Layer Class Count:get int Number of objects in the layer
int Add(Geometry geometry, string tag) geometry geometry
tag name, cannot be duplicate
Add a new geometric object to the layer
Int32 Add(List<Geometry3D> geoList,Style3D geoStyle3D, HeatMapInfo info, string tag) geoList point data
info Thermal diagram
Add thermal diagram
bool Remove(int index) index specifies the serial number Remove objects with specified ordinal numbers from a layer
Geometry Get(int index) index specifies the serial number Returns the geometry of the specified ordinal number in the layer
string GetTag(int index) index specifies the serial number Gets the tag name of the specified ordinal object
bool SetTag(int index, string tag) indexspecifies the serial number
Sets the label name of an object with a specified ordinal number in the layer
void Clear() Clear all objects in a layer
int IndexOf(string tag) tagname Returns the sequence number of the object with the specified label name
Sky skybox Sky() constructor
IsVisible:get/set bool Is the sky visible?
SlopeSetting Slope Aspect Analysis Class enum DisplayMode
            NONE = 0,
            FACE = 1,
            ARROW = 2,
            FACE_AND_ARROW = 3,
NONE = 0: Display mode is not used
FACE = 1: Show fill
ARROW = 2: Display contour lines
FACE_AND_ARROW = 3: Show fill and outline
display mode
DisplayStyle:get/set DisplayStyle display mode
ColorDictTable:get/set Texture2D color table
ArrowTexture:get/set Texture2D Arrow texture
MaxVisibleValue:get/set double maximum visible value
MinVisibleValue:get/set double minimum visible value
ArrowMove:get/set bool Aspect Arrow Move
ColorTableMaxKey:get/set double Maximum value of comparison table
ColorTableMinKey:get/set double minimum of comparison table
Opacity:get/set double opaqueness
Style3D Style category enum AltitudeMode
        Absolute = 2,
        ClampToObject = 6,
        ClampToGround = 0
Absolute height
ClampToGround close to the ground
Height pattern of style
enum FillMode3D
        Fill = 1,
        Line = 2,
        LineAndFill = 3
Fill Fill
Line Profile
LineAndFill Fill and outline
fill mode
FillColor:get/set Color fill color
AltitudeMode:get/set AltitudeMode altitude mode
BottomAltitude:get/set double bottom elevation
ExtendHeight:get/set double extrusion height
FillMode:get/set FillMode3D fill mode
LineColor:get/set Color Line Fill Color
LineWidth:get/set double bottom elevation
TilingU:get/set double Side texture U direction repeats
TilingV:get/set double Side texture v direction repeats
TopTilingU:get/set double Top texture U direction repeats
TopTilingV:get/set double Top texture v direction repeat times
TopTextureFile:get/set string Top texture file
SideTextureFiles:get/set string Side texture file
Marker3DTranslation:get/set Vector3d Translate the entire layer
Style3D() constructor
Cluster point aggregation class pixelRange:get/set int cluster pixel range
minimumClusterSize:get/set int minimum clusterable number
Enable:get/set bool Do you want to cluster
ClusterPoints:get/set List<Vector3d> Set the geographic coordinate point set for clustering
Façade Elevation class bool OutputStreetFacade(string strOutputPath, GeoLine3D geoLine3D, double dResolution, double dMinHeight
            , double dMaxHeight, double dFarDist)
geoLine3Dobservation path
dResolutionThe resolution of the plot
dMinHeightMinimum height visible
dMaxHeightMaximum height visible
dFarDist Maximum visible distance
Elevation Drawing
ProjectionImage Video Delivery ProjectionImage(Scene scene) constructor
Position:get/set Vector3d viewpoint position
Heading:get/set double horizontal orientation angle
Pitch:get/set double pitch angle
IsHomonymyPoints:get/set bool Do you want to register points with the same name
HintLineVisible:get/set bool Display contour lines
IsVisible:get/set bool Is the video drop visible
bool ProjectionToXML(string strXmlPath) Save to xml
bool ProjectionFromXML(string strXmlPath) Reading projection information from XML
void SetImage(ref Texture2D image) set the picture
ShadowQueryPoints Classes for Sunlight Analysis Spacing:get/set double The spacing value should be greater than 0.001, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
QueryRegion:get/set GeoRegion3D analysis area
StartTime:get/set DateTime Start time of analysis
EndTime:get/set DateTime End time of analysis
TimeInterval:get/set TimeSpan interval
ColorDictTable:get/set Texture2D color comparison table
double GetShadowRatio(Vector3d vtLatLon) vtLatLon Location Gets the shadow rate for a specified geographic location
Sightline intervision analysis class TargetPoint:get Vector3 Get target point location
BarrierPoint:get Vector3 Obtaining obstacle location
Visible:get bool Whether to see through, see through returns true
Sightline(Scene scene) scene: scene constructor
ViewPosition:get/set Vector3 viewpoint
VisibleColor:get/set Color visible color
HiddenColor:get/set Color invisible color
int AddTargetPoint(Vector3 point) Point: Target Point Location
int: Return index of new target point
Add target point
Vector3 GetTargetPoint(int index) int: index of target point
Vector3: Target Point
Gets the destination point for the specified index
void SetTargetPoint(int index, Vector3 point) index: index of target point
point: coordinates of the target point
Sets the destination point for the specified index
void RemoveTargetPoint(int index) index: index of target point Remove specified index target points
void RemoveAllTargetPoints() Remove all target points
int GetTargetPointCount() Get number of target points
SightlineResult GetSightlineResult(int index) index: index of target point Get the results of the vision analysis
Skyline Skyline Analysis Class Skyline(Scene scene) constructor
ViewPosition:get/set Vector3 viewpoint
Direction:get/set double horizontal orientation angle
Pitch:get/set double pitch angle
LineColor:get/set Color Skyline Color
GeoLine3D GetSkyline() Get Skyline
GeoLine GetSkyline2D() 2D skyline
ViewDome openness analysis class enum ViewDomeType
VISIBLEDOME,visible partial openness
HIDDENDOME Opening degree of invisible part
type of openness
ViewDomeColor:get/set Color Set/Get Openness Visible, Invisible Spherical Color
ViewerPosition:get/set Vector3d observer position
Distance:get/set double visible distance
DomeType:get/set ViewDomeType Openness Result Type
GeoModel3D GetViewDomeBody (ViewDomeType domeType) domeType Get open volume
ViewShed Viewshed Analysis Class ViewShed(Scene scene) constructor
void SetDistDirByPoint(Vector3 point) Point: Target Point Location Set target point and automatically calculate viewpoint pose
ViewerPosition:get/set Vector3 Viewpoint. Cartesian coordinates in plane, longitude, latitude and altitude in sphere
Direction:get/set float Analyze the horizontal orientation of the camera, degrees
Pitch:get/set float Analyze the camera pitch angle, 0 horizontally, negative downward, positive upward, degrees
VisibleAreaColor:get/set Color visible area color
HiddenAreaColor:get/set Color invisible area color
HorizontalFov:get/set float camera horizontal angle
VerticalFov:get/set float camera vertical angle
Distance:get/set float maximum analysis distance
VisibleBody:get GeoModel3D Return to Visible Geometry for Viewsight Analysis
HiddenBody:get GeoModel3D Return to invisible geometry for visibility analysis
BarrierPoints:get List<Vector3d> Return to Obstacles for Viewsight Analysis
Quality:get/set AnalysisQuality Gets or sets the quality level of the analysis
Dataset dataset class Name:get string Get dataset name
IsOpened:get bool Gets True or False, indicating whether it is open
Type:get DatasetType Get data set type
Datasource:get Datasource Get Data Source
Bounds:get Rect Get the dataset Bounds value
void GetFieldInfos(ref List<FieldInfo> arrFieldInfo) Get dataset information
List<string> QueryField(string strFieldName) Get value based on field name
List<string> QueryAttributeById(long nId) nID: ID value Query dataset attribute information based on ID
bool Open() Open the dataset, is it open correctly
void Close() Close the dataset
DatasetType dataset type public enum DatasetType
    Unknown = -1,
    Model = 203,
    Point = 1,
    PointZ = 101,
Unknown Layer type unknown
Model layer
Point 2D point layer
PointZ 3D point layer
dataset type
Datasource data source class Connect:get/set string Data source file path
Count:get Int32 Number of data sets
this[Int32 index]:get Dataset Returns the layer at the specified index
this[string name]:get Dataset Returns the layer with the specified name
IsOpened:get bool Is it open?
bool Open() open the data source
void Close() close the data source
Datasources Data Source Collection Class Count:get int Get the number of dataset lists
this[Int32 index]:get Data sets are indexed
bool SetAt(string strDataSourceAlias, ref Datasource datasource) Fill m_pUGDataSources with values through the bottom layer
public bool ReleaseAt(string strDataSourceAlias) Release DataSource
FieldInfo Field Value Type public enum FieldType
  FT_UnKnown = 0,
  FT_Boolean = 1,
  FT_Byte = 2,
  FT_INT16 = 3,
  FT_INT32 = 4,
  FT_INT64 = 16,
  FT_Float = 6,
  FT_Double = 7,
  FT_Date = 8,
  FT_Binary = 9,
  FT_Text = 10,
  FT_LongBinary = 11,
  FT_Char = 18,
  FT_Time = 22,
  FT_TimeStamp = 23,
  FT_NText = 127,
  FT_Geometry = 128,
  FT_JsonB = 129
FT_Unknown Invalid field type.
FT_Boolean, single byte, TRUE,FALSE.
FT_Byte unsigned single character plum, 0-255.
FT_INT16 Short integer, 2 bytes.
FT_INT32 Long integer, 4 bytes.
FT_INT64 Long, 8 bytes.
FT_Float Single precision float, 4 bytes.
FT_Double, 8 bytes.
FT_Date Date type, year, month, day, without time.
FT_Binary Fixed length binary, length needs to be specified.
FT_Text variable length string type.
FT_LongBinary Variable length binary type.
FT_Char Fixed length string type, length needs to be specified.
FT_Time time type, hours, minutes, seconds, without date.
FT_TimeStamp Timestamp type, year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
FT_NText Wide Byte Variable Length String Type.
FT_Geometry geometry data type.
FT_JsonB used as Jsonb field type in Pg
Field Value Type
Name:get/set string Attribute Field Name
Type:get/set FieldType Attribute Field Value Type
GeoBox Box geometry object class. Inherited from Geometry3D class, used to draw box geometry objects on 3D layers GeoBox(); Build a new GeoBox object
GeoBox(GeoBox geoBox); [in]geoBox: GeoBox object Construct a new object identical to a given GeoBox object
GeoBox(Vector3 position,Vector2 bottomSize,float height); [in]position: Box geometry object position
[in]bottomSize: box geometric object ground
[in]height: height of the geometric object
Construct a new GeoBox object based on the specified parameters
Vector2 BottomSize:get/set BottomSize: Box bottom size Gets or sets the size of the base of the box
float Height:get/set Height: Height of the box geometric object Gets or sets the height of a box geometric object
Color Color:get/set Color: Color of the box geometry object Gets or sets the color of a box geometric object
Vector3 Center:get/set Center: The center point of the box geometric object Gets or sets the center point of a box geometric object
GeoLine two-dimensional line class GeoLine() constructor
GeoLine(GeoLine geoLine) geoBox object to be copied copy constructor
this[Int32 index]:get/set Vector2d[] Get child segment vertices
PartCount:get int Get the number of child objects
IsEmpty:get bool Does it have children?
int AddPart(Vector2d[] points) points append vertex array
Vector2d[] GetPart(int nIndex) Get a child object
bool RemovePart(int nIndex) Delete children of a 3D geometry line object at the specified index number
void release() Delete m_pUGCGeoLine
Geoline3D 3D line class public GeoLine3D() Build a new GeoLine3D object
GeoLine3D(GeoLine3D geoLine) geoLine: geoLine object Construct a new object identical to a given GeoLine3D object
this[Int32 index]:get/set Vector3[] Get child segment vertices
PartCount:get int Get the number of child objects
IsEmpty:get bool Is there any self-text message?
int AddPart(Vector3[] points) append vertex array
Vector3[] GetPart(int nIndex) Get a child object
bool RemovePart(int nIndex) Delete children of a 3D geometry line object at the specified index number
Geometry Geometry class Type:get type
Bounds:get Get geometry bound
InnerPoint:get Get interior center point
Style:get/set Style3D
Geometry3D 3D Geometry Base Class Position:get/set Vector3d vertex position
RotationX:get/set double Rotate variable X
RotationY:get/set double Rotate variable Y
RotationZ:get/set double Rotation variable Z
ScaleX:get/set double scale X
ScaleY:get/set double scale Y
ScaleZ:get/set double scale Z
GeometryType geometry types public enum GeometryType
        GeoRegion3D = 105,
        GeoBox = 1205,
        GeoLine = 3,
        GeoLine3D = 103,
        GeoPoint3D = 101,
        GeoPoint = 1,
        GeoModel3D = 1218,
GeoRegion3D: 3D polygon objects
GeoBox: Box
GeoLine: 2D line
GeoPoint3D: 3D points
GeoPoint: 2D point
GeoModel3D: 3D models
Geometric Object Type
GeoModel3D GeoModel3D() constructor
GeoModel3D(GeoModel3D geoModel) copy constructor
IsLonLat:get bool Is it latitude and longitude data
Area:get double Get Surface Area
MinZ:get double Get minimum model height
MaxZ:get double Get maximum model height
GeoPoint3D 3D point class GeoPoint3D() Build a new GeoPoint3D object
GeoPoint3D(GeoPoint3D geoPoint) Construct a new object identical to a given GeoPoint3D object
X:get/set double X coordinate
Y:get/set double Y coordinate
Z:get/set double Z coordinate
GeoRegion3D three-dimensional surface class GeoRegion3D() Building a new GeoRegion3D object
GeoRegion3D(GeoRegion3D geoRegion3D) copy constructor
GeoRegion3D(List<Vector3> points) Constructor, set point string
Area:get double finding area
PartCount:get int Number of child objects
this[Int32 index]:get List<Vector3d> Get Point Set by Index
IsEmpty:get bool is empty
Int32 Add(Vector3 pt) add a vertex
JsonFile JSON class
Rectangle2D Bound value class of type double public Rectangle2D(double left, double right, double top, double bottom) constructor
Center:get Vector2d Get Center Point
LeftBottom:get Vector2d Get the lower left corner point
RightTop:get Vector2d Get the upper right corner point
MeasureAction Measurement class, defines the measurement operation in the scene window enum MeasureAction
    MeasureDistance = 0,
    MeasureHorizontalDistance = 1,
    MeasureArea = 2,
    MeasureHeight = 3,
MeasureHeight Height
Distance measurement type
MeasureHandler(Scene scene) constructor
MeasureHandlerColor:get/set Color Color of grid
int AddTargetPoint(Vector3 point) Point: Target Point Location Add target point
void SetTargetPoint(int nIndex, Vector3 vPoint) nIndex: index number
vPoint: Target Point Location
Sets the destination point for the specified index
Vector3d GetTargetPoint(int index) index: index of target point Gets the destination point for the specified index
void RemoveTargetPoints(int nIndex) nIndex: index number Remove target point
int GetTargetPointCount() Get the number of target points
MeasureAction:get/set MeasureAction Set Measurement Type
double GetCurLength(Vector3 beginpoint, Vector3 endpoint) start point: the starting position
endpoint: end position
double GetArea() area
double GetHeight() altitude
DataAsset Base class for importing class data DataSet:get/set Dataset
Type:get/set ImportDataType
DataExportModel Model derived classes void SaveMaterials(DataAssetModel assetModel) Save resources within the dataset to cost resources
void SavePBRToDataset(Dataset dataset, List<Material> mtls) datasetoriginal dataset
mtls material objects to save
Save Materials to Original Dataset
DataImport Data Import Base Class DataAssets:get Dictionary<string, DataAsset>
Count:get int Get the number of data class objects
DataAsset GetDataAsset(string dataSetName) dataSetName DataSetName Acquire corresponding data base class object according to root node
DataImportManager Import Data Object Management Class DataImportObject:get Dictionary<string, DataImport>
Instance:get DataImportManager Get Singleton Object
DataImport Add(ImportSetting setting) setting Import data sets import data interface
void ToXML()
void FromXML()
ImportSetting Model Import Parameter Class DataSet:get/set Dataset Encapsulation of the above attributes
DataType:get ImportDataType
JsonFilePath:get/set string