Development Preparation

Mobile SDK

The current SuperMap iMobile product package contains many modules, but in the development process of mobile video maps, only some modules are used.

Required SO libraries

Use or

When the com.supermap.realspace.jar will be used, please use

Commond JAR

During the development of video maps, the frequently used jar packages are as follows:

  • (required)
  • (required)
  • (added when using AI features and "Map Overlay Video")
  • com.supermap.mapping.jar (map module, you could add it as required)
  • com.supermap.realspace.jar (3D module, you could add it as required)

The third-part dependencies

Introduce Sceneform

To make sure runs normally, please introduce sceneform-sm.aar. (sceneform-sm.aar can be found in SuperMap iMobile for Android)

Two methods to introduce sceneform-sm.

Method 1

According to the different versions of sceneform, add the following content to dependencies in the file build.gradle.

Configuration of sceneform-sm_v1.19.8.aar:

//Note: sceneform-sm of the current version should run on filament 1.9.25
implementation files('libs/sceneform-sm_v1.19.8.aar')
api ''
api ''
api ''
Configuration of scenefrom-sm-11.0.1.aar: 
//Note: sceneform-sm of the current version should run on filament 1.12.0
implementation files('libs/sceneform-sm-11.0.1.aar')
//Google filament dependency has be merged into sceneform-sm-11.0.1.aar

Method 2

First, add the online maven configuration to the repositories in the build.gradle file of the project.

buildscript {
  repositories {
    // Configure Maven address.
    maven {
      url ""
      //url ""
allprojects {
  repositories {
    // Configure Maven address.
    maven {
      url ""
      //url ""

Second, add the dependency in the file build.gradle.

//Add sceneform-sm dependency of the corresponding version
implementation 'com.supermap:sceneform-sm:11.0.0'

Introduce DJI MSDK

DJI MSDK V4 is not required in the development process of the local video map (for example, the offline video method of SuperMap UAVSurvey), only when the operation involving DJI drones needs to use DJI MSDK V4 (for example, the real-time video method of SuperMap UAVSurvey) .

  1. Register DJI.
  2. You can click here to register as a DJI developer, create an app in the DJI Developer Center, and activate it according to the process to get the DJI App key. DJI development documentation:
  3. Generate App Key
    1. Select "Apps" on the left sidebar.
    2. Select the "Create App" button on the right.
    3. Enter the application name, development platform, Package Name, category and description information.
    4. You will receive an application activation email to complete the generation of the App Key.
    5. You can find the "App Key" in the developer center, copy and paste it into the application configuration.