Distributed Analysis Service (onlinechart)


Demonstrate docking SuperMap iServer distributed analysis services, including aggregation analysis, density analysis, buffer analysis, superposition analysis, etc.

Operation effect

Figure: Distributed Analysis Service Operation Effect


Android Studio

  • Product package: Product package\SampleCode\SampleCode_AndroidStudio\AndroidStudioSampleCode\onlinechart


Storage location

  • Product package: Product package\SampleData\OnlineChartData

Deployment Location: mobile device internal storage\SampleData\OnlineChartData


Offline license, copy the license file to the "mobile device internal storage\SuperMap\License" folder.


com.supermap.data.jar, com.supermap.mapping.jar, com.supermap.services.jar, gson.jar, okhttp.jar, okio.jar
libimb2d.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libQt5Core.so, libQt5Gui.so, libQt5Svg.so, libQt5Widgets.so(Note: Starting from version 11.1, the last five so libraries need to be added.)

Key types/members

Control/Class Method
AggregatePointsOnline setDatasetSource(), setMeshType(), setAggregateType(), setResolution(), setMeshSizeUnit()
BufferAnalystOnline setDatasetSource(), setDistance()
DensityAnalystOnline setDatasetSource(), setMeshType(), setAnalystMethod(), setResolution(), setRadius()
OverlayAnalystOnline setDatasetSource(), setDatasetOverlay(), setAnalystMode()
QueryOnline setDataset(), setDatasetSource(), setQueryMode(), setQueryType()
SummaryRegionOnline setDatasetSource(), setMeshType(), setSummaryType(), setStandardFields(), setResolution(), setWeightedFields()
TopologyValidatorOnline setDatasetSource(), setDatasetTopology(), setRule()
VectorClipAnalystOnline setDataset(), setDatasetSource(), setAnalystMode(), setClipType()


Before using this example, please use SuperMap iServer to publish a distributed analysis service. Service release refer to this help document【Knowledge Base】-【Data Analysis】-【Distributed Analysis】

Basic steps

  1. Click the [Point Aggregation Analysis] button for point aggregation analysis;
  2. Click the [Create Buffer Analysis] button for buffer analysis;
  3. Click the [Density Analysis] button for density analysis;
  4. Click the [overlay analysis] button for superposition analysis;
  5. Click the [Single Object Space Query] button to query single-object space;
  6. Click the [Regional Summary] button to summarize the area;
  7. Click the [Create Topology Check] button for topology check;
  8. Click the [Vector Crop] button to perform vector cropping.