Dynamic Chart (dynamicchart)


Demonstrate the production of dynamic charts such as bar charts, pie charts, line charts, dashboards, etc. to realize chart linkage.

Operation effect

Figure: Dynamic Chart Operation Effect


Android Studio

  • Product package: Product package\SampleCode\SampleCode_AndroidStudio\AndroidStudioSampleCode\dynamicchart


  • Product package: Product package catalogue\SampleCode\SampleCode_ADT\DynamicChart


Storage location

  • Product package: Product package\SampleData\DynamicChartData

Deployment Location: mobile device internal storage\SampleData\DynamicChartData


Offline license, copy the license file to the "mobile device internal storage\SuperMap\License" folder.


com.supermap.data.jar, com.supermap.mapping.jar, com.github.mikephil.charts.jar, chartengine.jar, classes.jar
libimb2d.so, libgnustl_shared.so, libQt5Core.so, libQt5Gui.so, libQt5Svg.so, libQt5Widgets.so(Note: Starting from version 11.1, the last five so libraries need to be added.)

Key types/members

Control/Class Method
Recordset seekID(), getFieldValue()
PieChartData setColor(), setGeoID(), setLabel(), setValue()
PieChart addData(), setChartTitle(), reLayout()
lineChartData setColor(), setGeoID(), setLabel()
LineChart addData(), addXLabel(), reLayout()
LegendView setColumnWidth(), setNumColumns()

Basic steps

  1. Click the [PIE] button to create and display a pie chart, click the pie chart, and the map will center the corresponding area;
  2. Click the [LINE] button to create and display a line chart, click the line, and the map will center the corresponding area;
  3. Click the [BAR] button to create and display a histogram, click the column, and the map center the corresponding area;
  4. Click the [Dashboard] button to create and display the dashboard.