GIS Cloud Suite

Spatial Analyst Service

There are two ways to create a service node in GIS Cloud Suite, one is creating during the service publishing(please refer to the fifth step in Service Management > Service Instances > Publishing Services > Publishing File Workspace; another way is creating on the Service Nodes page, please follow the steps below:

Node Types Service Types Name
Mapping Node map-rest REST Map Service
map-restjsr REST Vector Tile Service
wcs111 WCS1.1.1 Service
wcs112 WCS1.1.2 Service
wms111 WMS1.1.1 Service
wms130 WMS1.3.0 Service
wmts100 WMTS1.0.0 Service
wmts-china WMTS-CHINA Service
map-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Map Service
map-baidurest Baidu REST Map Service
map-googlerest Google REST Map Service
Data Node data-rest REST Data Service
wfs100 WFS1.0.0 Service
wfs200 WFS2.0.0 Service
data-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Feature Service
Address Match Analysis Node addressMatch-restjsr REST Address Matching Service
Spatial Analysis Node spatialAnalysis-restjsr REST Spatial Analysis Service
Network Analysis Node transportNetworkAnalyst-rest REST Transportation Analysis Service
Traffic Transfer Analysis Node trafficTransferAnalyst-restjsr REST Traffic Transfer Service
ArcGIS Geometry Analysis Node geometry-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Geometry Service
General Analysis Node spatialAnalysis-restjsr REST Spatial Analysis Service
addressMatch-restjsr REST Address Matching Service
transportNetworkAnalyst-rest REST Transportation Analysis Service
trafficTransferAnalyst-restjsr REST Traffic Transfer Service
wps100 WPS1.0.0 Service
transportNetworkAnalyst-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Network Analysis Service
geometry-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Geometry Service
Realspace Node 3D-rest REST 3D Service
networkAnalyst3D-rest REST 3D Network Analysis Service
plot-rest REST Plot Service
Tiles Node map-rest REST Map Service
data-rest REST Data Service
map-restjsr REST Vector Tiles Service
wms111 WMS1.1.1 Service
wms130 WMS1.3.0 Service
wmts100 WMTS1.0.0 Service
wmts-china WMTS-CHINA Service
wfs100 WFS1.0.0 Service
wfs200 WFS2.0.0 Service
map-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Map Service
map-baidurest Baidu REST Map Service
map-googlerest Google REST Map Service
3D-rest REST 3D Service
Gisapplication Node All service types supported -