
Install Kubernetes

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Regarding the choice of Kubernetes environment, you can choose to cooperate with cloud manufacturers and set up an environment provided by cloud manufacturers, including Alibaba Container Service(ACK), Huawei Cloud Container Engine(CCE), Tencent Container Service(TKE), etc. You can also choose to set up a Kubernetes environment yourself. If conditional, it is recommended to choose to cooperate with cloud manufacturers, which has the advantages of high performance, high stability, and low maintenance cost.

For users of Linux operating system, SuperMap iManager provides the Kubernetes installation package for CentOS, Ubuntu and UnionTechOS operating system. When setting up a Kubernetes environment, you need to install Kubernetes master node first via executing the install script with root permission. You can also add Kubernetes worker nodes anytime by the increase of demands. Click CentOS, Ubuntu or UnionTechOS to get the download link of installation packages and detailed installation steps.

If you only know how to use Windows operating system, please study the knowledge of Linux and virtual machine first, and install a virtualization software, such as VMware Workstation or Virtual Box. BaiduNetdisk provides the image packages of CentOS, Ubuntu and UnionTechOS, please click to download the package according to the type and version number of OS(Path: iManager deployment package/software kit/OS/OS-ISO/). You can download and install the operating system on your virtual machine.

Before installing Kubernetes, you need to make sure that all the partitioned file systems select ext4 except swap partition while the device selecting LVM and the root partition must occupies 90% or more resources of the total disk.