

SuperMap iManager supports to ‘one-click’ creating Geo-Blockchain. A blockchain is a type of data store that stores anything of digital value. Each new transaction is stored in a block that gets added to a chain of existing records. A typical blockchain duplicates data across an open network so all parties in the blockchain see updates simultaneously, and all updates are validated through a public verification process that ensures accuracy without the need for a central authority, like a bank. Spatial blockchain is combining blockchain technology with GIS, to achieve a high credibility distributed spatial database, used for spatial data storing and sharing.

For monitoring and managing, users can understand the associations between the services by topological diagram, check the account of the site, monitoring the service trace and service metrics, search the services by keyworkds, and check the running pods in the site; users can also redeploy the services, adjust the specs of service, modify the images of service, manual/automatic scaling the services, view the log of the services, and control the command pad of containers.

The services in the Geo-Blockchain environment:


  • ca-org(1-3): CA node, the certification center. Used for receiving the register application from client, return a password to the client for achieving the identify certification.
  • docker: The virtual Docker environment.
  • fabric-command: The command pad of Fabric.
  • ipfs: Distributed file versions system.
  • iserver: GIS Server. The data directory is /opt/iserverOPTs/iserver_data.
  • mysql-server: Database, used for storing accounts information of iServer.
  • orderer: Orderer node, a node running the communication service that implements a delivery guarantee, such asatomic or total order broadcast.
  • org(1-3)peer1: Peer node, a node that commits transactions and maintains the state and a copy of the ledger. Besides, peers can have aspecial endorser role.