GIS Cloud Suite Creation
SuperMap iManager supports to ‘one-click’ creating GIS Cloud Suite, please refer to the following steps:
- Open Sites Management on the left navigation bar.
Clicks on + Create, as the screenshot below:
Fills in the name of the GIS Cloud Suite environemnt, and select GIS Cloud Suite in the Site type.
Advanced Options:
- Use https protocol: Selected to use https protocol.
- The domain name of the entrance: Set the domain name of GIS Cloud Suite.
The domain name of Keycloak: Set the domain name of Keycloak.
Notes: If you want to set the domian name of the entrance, please add the domain name to the IP of Kubernetes master node in DNS first, then create GIS Cloud Suite.
- The username of administrator account: Customize the username of the administrator account.
- The password of administrator account: Customize the password of the administrator account.
- Use service mesh: Click to open service mesh function, the site is available to achieve service trace and service metrics. Modify the value of deploy_istio_enabled to ‘true’ in the ‘values.yaml’ file of iManager deployment package first if you want to use service mesh, please refer to Guides > Deployment Guide > Install iManager.
- The external port of the entrance: Customize the port of entrance access address, a random port would be used if not set.
- The external port of Keycloak: Customize the port of Keycloak access address, a random port would be used if not set.
If the Site enable Service Mesh, each service node would create a istio-proxy, a istio-proxy occupies 2 core CPU and 1 GB Memory, the total CPU/Memory of the Site equal to the sum of CPU/Memory of service nodes plus the occupy of the istio-proxy. - Check the status on the GIS Cloud Suite page, while the status change to ‘Normal’, the GIS Cloud Suite created successfully.