WeChat Work Alarm Creation
Users need to register and download Tencent WeChat Work first, then associate iManager with WeChat Work, so that the alarm messages from iManager can be sent to WeChat Work.
The configuration of WeChat Work need to be configured before you first time start up iManager.
Please follow the steps below to create the alarm application of WeChat Work:
Open the page to Register WeChat Work, fill in the company information and administrator information.
Login to the home page of WeChat Work after registering(Please login by web page), click on App Management > Apps > Create an app.
- Fill in the required information and click on create an app.
Execute the following command in ‘supermap-imanager-for-kubernetes’ directory of the iManager installation machine(Please refer to Guides > Deployment Guide > Install iManager).
sudo vi .env
Configure the parameters of WeChat Work, the screenshot below is an example:
- ‘deploy_weixin_crop_id’ can be found in WeChat Work > My Company > Company ID.
- ‘deploy_weixin_to_party’ can be found in WeChat Work > Contacts > Department ID.
- To find ‘deploy_weixin_agent_id’ and ‘deploy_weixin_api_secret’, go to WeChat Work > App Management > Self-built, click on your application, find the Agentid and Secret.
- Follow the steps below to find out the value of ‘deploy_weixin_token’ and ‘deploy_weixin_encoding_aes_key’
To obtain the WeChat Work Department ID, select Contacts and the department to be viewed in the navigation bar on the left side of the home page. Click the three-point button to get the Department ID.
- On the page of your application, click on Set to receive messages via API.
- Fill in the Token and EncodingAESKey, you can define the settings, or acquire randomly.
- Fill the Token and EncodingAESKey in ‘deploy_weixin_token’ and ‘deploy_weixin_encoding_aes_key’ separately.
- Save and exit the .env file after configuring, start up iManager.
Fill in the URL on the Receive messages via API page of WeChat Work.
If iManager can be accessed by extranet, click Basic Services on the iManager page and find out imanager-weixin-hook in the service list. Fill in the address of the imanager-weixin-hook in the URL(eg,
Do not forget the character ’/’ at the end of URL. - If iManager can not be accessed by extranet, find out the address of imanager-weixin-hook. You need a proxy address for imanager-weixin-hook, so the imanager-weixin-hook can be accessed by extranet. Fill in the proxy address in the URL.
- Save the settings on Receive messages via API page.
- Download WeChat Work App for PC or smart phone, login and enjoy the alarm application.