GIS Cloud Suite


The service resource has the child resources nodes and instances.

The Name of Datasource Types

Nmae of Datasource Types Description
workspace File Workspace
pgsqlWorkspace PostgreSQL Workspace
oracleWorkspace Oracle Workspace
dmWorkspace DM Wrokspace
restmap REST Map Service
restData REST Data Service
dataStoreData Data Catalog Service
dataflow DataFlow Service
addressMatchIndex AddressMatch Index
cloud SuperMap Cloud Service
smtiles SMTiles File
svtiles SVTiles File
ugcv5 UGCV5 Tiles
mvttile UGCV5(MVT) Tiles
mongodbTiles MongoDB Tiles
otsTiles OTS Tiles
fastdfsTiles FastDFS Tiles
plot Plot Library
local3DCache Local 3D Cache
multiTiles Multi Tiles
batchWorkspace Mutiple File Workspaces
batchCache Multiple Cache Files
wfsData WFS Service
wmsMap WMS Service
wmtsMap WMTS Service
mbtiles MBTiles File
geoPackage GeoPackage File
zxytiles ZXY Tiles
elasticsearch Elasticsearch Service
shapeFile Shape Directory
postgis PostGIS Service
hbase HBase Service
geoTrellis Distributed Raster Data
dsf Distribute Spatial Format
bingMaps Bing Maps Service
googleMaps Google Maps Service
tianditu TianDiTu Service
baidu Baidu Map Service
openstreet OpenStreetMap Service
arcgisRestMap ArcGIS REST Map Service
arcgisRestData ArcGIS REST Feature Service
arcgisRestNetwork ArcGIS REST Network Analysis Service
tpk TPK File
vtpk VTPK File
arcgisCache ArcGIS Cache
arcgisCacheV2 ArcGISV2 CacheV2
threeDTilesCache 3DTiles Cache

The Name of Service Types

Name of Service Types Description
map-rest REST Map Service
data-rest REST Data Service
3D-rest REST 3D Service
spatialAnalysis-restjsr REST Spatial Analysis Service
transportNetworkAnalyst-rest REST Transportation Analysis Service
trafficTransferAnalyst-restjsr REST Traffic Transfer Analysis Service
networkAnalyst3D-rest REST 3D Network Service
addressMatch-restjsr REST Address Matching Service
map-restjsr REST Vector Tile Service
plot-rest REST Plotting Service
dataflow Data Flow Service
wms111 WMS1.1.1 Service
wms130 WMS1.3.0 Service
wmts100 WMTS1.0.0 Service
wmts-china WMTS-CHINA Service
wfs100 WFS1.0.0 Service
wfs200 WFS2.0.0 Service
wcs111 WCS1.1.1 Service
wcs112 WCS1.1.2 Service
wps100 WPS1.0.0 Service
map-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Map Service
data-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Feature Service
transportNetworkAnalyst-arcgisrest ArcGIS REST Network Analysis Service
map-baidurest Baidu REST Map Service
map-googlerest Google REST Map Service
custom Domain Service

The Name of Node Types

节点类型名称 说明
gisapplication General Node
mapping Mapping Node
data Data Node
analysis Analysis Node
realspace Realspace Node
tiles Tiles Node
dataflow Dataflow Node