GIS Cloud Suite
Token is a message string encrypted by shared key, it cantains user name, expiry date and certain proprietary information. SuperMap provides a user authentication mechanism based on Token, allowing users to access the protected service resources by only providing Token, without providing a username and password. Please follow the steps below to generate Token:
On the Service Management page, moves the mouse to the user name of top right side.
- Clicks on Token.
On the Tokens page, clicks on Generate Token, fills out the following information:
- User Name(Required): The user name of the account which has the permission of accessing services.
- Password(Required): The password of the account.
Client type(Required):
- HTTP Referer: Specify the client-end address using Token, that is, GIS service client-end homepage services. This method could bind the URL for accessing services. When users access GIS services using others URL, the request will be rejected even though carries Token.
- Client unlimited: No limitations for the Token.
- Effective duration(Required): The Token is valid during the duration time from Token issued time. Token with shorter validty is safer, because a malicious user intercepted Token can be used only within a short period of time. However, short validity means that the application needs to request new Token more frequently.
- Clicks on Generate Token.
On the Token List page, you can view the username, client type, configuration, and expired date of the Tokens. Clicks on View to get the string encrypted of the Token, and clicks on Delete to delete the Token.
More introductions of Token please refer toSuperMap iServer Documentation.