GIS Cloud Suite

Add DSS to GIS Cloud Suite

After building the DSS, you can add the DSS to GIS Cloud Suite, to unified manage and maintaining with other services. This page is going to introduce how to add the DSS to GIS Cloud Suite. The registry address, namespace, and image name below are examples, please replace them according to your actual environment.

Build the JAR

Building the ‘DSS_Extend’ directory to a JAR file by Eclipse, and put the JAR in Package\lib directory.

Build and Push the Image

Build an image in the ‘Package’ directory:

docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile -t .

Push the image to registry:

docker push

The content in the command need to be replaced by your actual registry address/namespace/image name:tag.

Register DSS

  1. Logs in to GIS Cloud Suite.
  2. Clicks on Service Management > Extensions on the left navigation bar.
  3. Clicks on ADD Extension and fills in the following information:

    • Extension name: Fills in the name of DSS.
    • Image name: Fills in the name of image that built and pushed before. The image name in the example is “”.
  4. Clicks on Add to finish registering.

Publish DSS

  1. Clicks on Service Management > Service Instance.
  2. Clicks on Publish Service, open Advanced options and fills in the configuration information, for example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <interface name="sample" class="">
                           <config class="">
                   <component name="sampleComponent" class="com.supermap.sample.SampleComponentImpl" providers="sampleProvider" interfaceNames="sample">
                   <provider name="sampleProvider" class="com.supermap.sample.SampleProviderImpl">
                           <config class="com.supermap.sample.SampleProviderSetting">
                                   <message>iServer Extend Sample Test!</message>

    After filling the configuration information, clicks on Next.

    The detailed introduction of how to customize the configuration please refer to SuperMap iServer documentationDevelopmemnt Guid > Extend iServer.

  3. Clicks on Next in the steps of Configuration the data, Select service type, and Configuration service.
  4. In the step of Specify the service node, select Create a new node, and fills in the following information:

    • Name: The name of service node.
    • Node Type: Select the name of node type which is the same as the name of DSS. When the DSS registered successfully, the system will create a new type of node, the name of the node type is the same as the name of your DSS. That is, the name of DSS you filled was “Traffic Route”, select “Traffic Route node” here.

    Clicks on Publish when finished.

  5. The DSS will integrate into service instance list if published successfully, you can manage and maintaining the DSS with others service instance.