Post processing

The parameters such as screen space reflection, motion blur, depth of field, floodlight and LUT color can be adjusted through post-processing panel to realize high-fidelity rendering of 3D geographic scene.

Click Scene - Post Processing button to pop up Post Processing Settings panel, and you can set the following parameters.

Screen space reflection

Screen space reflection effects change the appearance of objects on a material's surface, and you can change the effect by adjusting the relevant parameters. Unreal Engine documentation. The specific operation steps are as follows:

After clicking on Screen Space Reflection, you can change the effect by adjusting the following parameters:

  • Intensity: Used to set how much the scene should be affected by screen space reflections, values range from [0.0, 100.0], lower values fade out screen space reflections.
  • Quality: Used to set the quality of screen space reflection, the value range is [0, 100], 0 is the lowest quality, 100 is the highest quality and has better reflection representation, the default accuracy is 50, the performance is good.
  • Maximum roughness: Used to control at what roughness screen space reflections fade out. The value range is [0,1], 0.8 works better, the smaller the value, the faster the operation.

Dynamic fuzzy

Motion blur can blur an object based on its motion, and the degree of motion blur can be determined according to the speed at which the object moves. More details can be found inthe Unreal Engine documentation, as follows:

After clicking on Motion Blur, you can change the effect by adjusting the following parameters:

  • Intensity: used to control the intensity of dynamic fuzzy, the value range is [0.0, 1.0], 0.0 means off.
  • Maximum: Sets the maximum distortion caused by motion blur (expressed as a percentage of screen width) in the range [0.0, 100.0], 0.0 being off.

Depth of field

Depth of field applies a blur effect to the scene based on the distance before and after focus. The depth effect can be used to draw the viewer's attention to a specific subject based on depth to achieve a focused effect. SeeUnreal Engine documentation for more details. The specific operation steps are as follows:

Click to turn on depth of field, you can adjust the focal length, depth blur, depth blur radius and other parameters to change the effect.

  • Focal length: the distance at which the depth effect sharpens. The value is measured in phantom units (centimeters).
  • Depth blur: Defines the distance at which pixels are blurred by half the depth blur radius. This setting is particularly effective when simulating atmospheric scattering at low cost.
  • Depth blur radius: radius of 1080p pixels, can be applied depending on distance from camera to simulate atmospheric scattering.


Flood effects add realism to rendered images by reproducing the glow around light sources and reflective surfaces, often in conjunction with other effects. SeeUnreal Engine documentation for more details. The specific operation steps are as follows:

Click to turn on the floodlight effect and change the effect by adjusting the following parameters:

  • Intensity: linearly adjusts the color of the floodlight effect, which can be used to fade in, out, or out over time, with values ranging from [0.0, 8.0].
  • Threshold: Defines how many luminance units a single color needs to produce floodlight. The range is [-1.0, 8.0]. If you want all colors in the scene to participate in the floodlight effect, you need to use a value of-1.0.

LUT toning

LUT color adjustment function provides LUT with various colors such as cold and early cold, which can quickly change the overall color of the scene and perform color correction. SeeUnreal Engine documentation for more details. The specific operation steps are as follows:

Click to turn on LUT palette and change the effect by adjusting the following parameters:

  • Tone: Used to set LUT textures for color correction, including: cold, early cold, contrast, warm, rich, elegant, deep, passionate, film, blue ice, green orange and black and white.
  • Intensity: used to set the scale factor controlling the color correction effect. The value range is [0.0, 1.0]. The larger the value, the more obvious the effect.