Set up Traffic Rules
Set Traffic Rules, that is, set whether the arc segment is a single line or a Forbid to Pass. Traffic Rules information is usually stored in a field (text type) as a field attribute value. Different field attribute values represent different Traffic Rules, such as Forward Value, Backward Value, or Forbid to Pass. When in use, specify the attribute value corresponding to each rule in the Traffic Rules Settings dialog box. Unspecified attribute values and null values default to two-way roads.
Operation steps
- Open the Network Dataset where the Traffic Rules information is stored.
- In the Network AnalysisEnvironment Settings window, set the Network Analysis resistance field, node/Edge ID Field, and other information. For an introduction to the Network AnalysisEnvironment Settings window, see the Network AnalysisEn vironment Settings window page.
- In the Environment Settings window, click the Set Traffic Rules button, and the Set Traffic Rules "dialog box pops up.
- On the dialog, select the Enable Rules check box to use Traffic Rules in the current Network Dataset.
- Click the drop-down arrow to the right of Traffic Rules Field, and select a field from the drop-down list as the Traffic Rules field.
- Set Forward Value. Click the drop-down arrow on the right of Forward Value, and select Settings from the drop-down list to pop up the Settings dialog box. Add the property value corresponding to Forward Value in the dialog box. Multiple fields can be added. If you want to change the setting, select "Clear" and reset it.
- Continue to set Backwoard Value and Prohibited Value.
- Click the OK button to complete the settings and exit the current dialog box.
- When setting Traffic Rules, such as Forward Value, Backwoard Value, and Forbidden Value, it is allowed to set multiple values to represent any rule at the same time. For example, Forward Value sets two fields of one-way street-forward direction and restricted traffic-forward direction at the same time. Forward Value lines are represented when the corresponding Arc Segment field has these values specified.
- A field value can represent only one Traffic Rule. When a field value is set to one of the rules, it is automatically filtered when other rule field values are set. For example, after the field value "Bus Road" is set to Forward Value, the field value of Backwoard Value and Forbidden Single Line Value cannot be set to "Bus Road".