Check Loops

Instructions for use

Check for loops in Network Dataset.

In a facility network, a loop is a closed path consisting of two or more arcs with a flow direction value of 2 (i.e., uncertain flow direction). This means that the loop must satisfy both of the following conditions:

  1. A closed path consisting of at least two arc segments.
  2. The flow direction of the arc segment forming the loop is 2, that is, the flow direction is uncertain.

The following figure is a portion of a facility network, using different symbols to show the flow direction of network arcs. The network is checked for loops, and two loops are detected, which are the red closed paths in the figure. There is an arc segment with a flow direction of 2 on the upper right, which is not a loop because it does not form a closed path with other arc segments with the same flow direction of 2.

Operation steps

  1. In the Environment Settings window, click the Check Loops "button to bring up the Check Loops" dialog.
  2. In the Check Loops "dialog, select the Save Analysis Results" checkbox to save the Analyst Result as a Line Dataset, give it a name, and select the saved Datasource. Otherwise, the result will not be saved. The checkbox is checked by default.
  3. Place a check mark in the Highlight Analysis Result "checkbox to Highlight Analysis Result in the Network Dataset being analyzed. Otherwise, it is not displayed. The checkbox is checked by default.
  4. Click OK to complete the Check Loops operation. Click the Cancel button to exit the current operation.