Oblique photogrammetric data mosaic
Function Description
The Oblique photo gram metric data mosaic function is to tessellate the selected Oblique Photography layer with the specified facets.
Function entrance
- 3D Geographic Design tab-> Oblique Photography Data. Operation Group-> Tessellation Buttons
Operation steps
- Load the Oblique Photography ModelS3MTile data in the New scene or existing scene , and then jump to the Layer Context Menu "Jump to Layer". Press and hold the mouse wheel in Scene to adjust the camera to an angle of view that is convenient for tessellation.
- On the 3D Geographic Design tab, in the Oblique Photography Data Operation group, click the Tessellation button. The Oblique photo grammetric data mosaic "panel pops up to perform Parameter Settings.
- Layer selection: Click the drop-down arrow of the "Oblique Photography Layer" combo box and select the Mosaic Layer to be selected.
- Facet determination: Select Select Faces or Sketch Faces to determine the facet type. When you choose Draw Faces, the toolbar provides three methods for determining facets: Rectangle, Polygon, and Import.
- Select Face: Selects a face object as a facet in the scene.
- Rectangle or Polygon: Move the mouse into the scene, click the left mouse button to begin Draw Rectangle or Polygon as a facet, and click the right mouse button to end the draw.
- Import Tessellation: Click the Import button to pop up the Import dialog box, which supports importing the Region Dataset in the Existing data source in Workspace Manager as a tessellation.
- Export Facet: Enables you to export a sketched facet by clicking the Export button.
- Parameter Settings:
- Additional Height (m): Sets the additional base height of the facet. This does not change the original base height value of the facet. The default is 0 in meters.
- Gentle slope width (m): enter the value directly to determine the width of the revetment, and the unit is m.
- For altitude range: When checked, supports setting the altitude range of the tessellation effect.
- Bottom Elevation: Sets the Bottom Altitude value, in meters, relative to the tessellation face. This value determines how far down the tessellation face the data is included in the tessellation operation.
- Top Elevation: Sets the value of Top Altitude, in meters, relative to the tessellation surface. This value is used to determine how far up the tessellation surface the data is included in the tessellation operation.
- "Preview" check box: not checked by default. When the "Preview" check box is checked, the mosaic result can be previewed in real time.
- When the settings are complete, click OK to proceed with the tessellation. The result of the tessellation example is as follows:
- Click Undo to undo the results of the Oblique Photography Model tessellation.