Oblique photogrammetric data clipping

Instructions for use

The Oblique photo gram metric data clipping function enables customized clipping of OSGB Data. You can select a face or draw a face as the clipping area.

This method is convenient for users to obtain OSGB Data in a specific range according to their needs.

Function entrance

  • 3D Geographic Design tab-> OSGB Data operation-> Crop button
  • Toolbox -> 3D Data -> Oblique Data Computation -> Oblique data clipping

Operation steps

  1. Create Spherical Scene。 Right-click the Scene in Workspace Manager and select Create Spherical Scene ".
  2. Load 3D Tiles. In Layer Manager, with the Normal Layer selected, right-click the Add 3D Cache Layer.. ", or on the Scene tab, in the Data group, click the Tile Drop-down Button. Select Loading tiles.. "From the drop-down menu that pops up. For details, see Help" Load 3D Tiles .
  3. Select the 3D Tiles file layer in Layer Manager, right-click "Jump to Layer", and hold down the mouse wheel in Scene to adjust the camera to a perspective that is convenient for cropping the model.
  4. On the 3D Geographic Design tab, in the Oblique Photography Data Operation group, click the Crop button. The Oblique photo grammetric data clipping "panel pops up.
    • Layer selection: Click the drop-down arrow in the combo box to the right of Oblique Photography Layer, and select Crop Layer of Object.
    • Clipping face determination: Two clipping face determination methods are provided: Select Face and Draw Face.
      • When you click Select Face, you select the face object in the scene to complete the determination of the clipping face.
      • When you click Draw Face, you use Rectangle, Polygon, and Import in the toolbar to determine the clipping face. Click the "Rectangle" or "Polygon" tool, attach a red dot on the top of the mouse in the scene, click the mouse to start Draw Region, right-click to end drawing, and complete the determination of the clipping surface. Click the Import tool to pop up the Import dialog box, and select Region Dataset as the clipping area, as shown in the following figure.
        Figure: Import dialog box
    • Export Trimmed Faces: Supports exporting drawn trimmed faces by clicking the Export button.
    • Crop Parameter Settings:
      • Clip Mode: Select the Reserved area "or Outside the reserved area" Clip Mode. The Reserved area "Clip Mode is to obtain OSGB Data in the clipping area by clipping, and the Outside the reserved area" Clip Mode is to obtain OSGB Data outside the clipping area by clipping.
      • Clip boundary elevation: Select "Keep with source data" or "in the Keep with clip polygon" constraint mode. "Keep with source data" means that the boundary elevation value of the clipping result is consistent with the original one and remains unchanged; "Keep with clip polygon" means that the boundary elevation value of the clipping result is consistent with the boundary elevation value of the clipping surface.
      • Check the "Preview" check box
      • by default to preview the cropping results in real time.
    • Result DataSave Settings:
      • Click the file open icon on the right of "Path", select the storage path of the clipping result, or directly enter the storage path in the text box.
      • Enter the file name of the crop Result Storage in the text box to the right of
      • Target Name.
  5. Click Save to save the Oblique photo grammetric data clipping results. The result of the example Polygon Clipping mode is as follows,
    Figure: Clipping effect picture
  • When the Clip boundary elevation is set to Keep with source data ", the Z value of the clipping face has no effect.
  • When drawing a crop region, you need to look down on the scene to ensure the accuracy of the points you draw.