Thematic Label Map dimension expression description
Symbol Meaning Supported engines Instance Effect
+ Connector Supports UDB, SQLData source,

Format: Field Name 1 + Field Name 2 + Field Name 3 +..

Type: text type, character type

Example: NAME + ENAME

|| Connector Supports UDB, UDBX, OracleDatasource

Format: Field Name 1 | | Field Name 2 | | Field Name 3 | |..

Type: text, character, numeric, etc.

Example: NAME | | GDP _ 2000

/ Fractional symbol Supports UDB, UDBX, OracleDatasource

Format: FieldName1 / FieldName2

Type: text, character, numeric, etc.

Example: NAME / POP _ 1990 | | '10,000'

chr(10) Line break Supports UDB, OracleData source,

Format: FieldName1 | | chr (10) | | FieldName2


Type: Text, Numeric, Character

Example: BaseMap _ R. NAME | | Chr (10) | | BaseMap _ R. POP _ 1999

char(10) Line break SQLData source is supported

Format: field name 1 + char (10) + field name 2..

Type: Text type

Example: NAME + Char (10) + POP _ 1999

chr(45) Spacer Support for OracleData source

Format: FieldName1 | | chr (45) | | FieldName2


Type: Text type

Example: NAME | | Chr (45) | | NAME

char(45) Spacer SQLData source is supported

Format: field name 1 + char (45) + field name 2..

Type: Text type

Example: NAME + Char (45) + NAME

str() Convert a numeric value to a strings SQLData source is supported

Format: str (field name)

Type: text, character, numeric, etc.

Example: NAME + ':' + Str (POPU) + 'ten thousand people'

to_char() Convert a numeric value to a strings Support for OracleData source

Format: to _ char (field


Type: text, character, numeric, etc.

Example: NAME / 'Area:' | | to _ char (SMAREA
