Mirror image

Function Description

The Mirror button creates a symmetrical mirror object by flipping the selected Geometry (not Text) around the specified temporary mirror line. The original selected Geometry remains unchanged, and the created mirror object is a copy of the original selected Geometry. Its position relationship with the selected original Geometry is that the created mirror object is the effect obtained by turning the selected original Geometry around the specified temporary mirror line.

Function entrance

  • Object Operation tab-> Object Editing group drop-down box-> Mirroring.

Operating instructions

  1. In the editable layer, select Geometry (not Text) to mirror. You can hold down the Shift or Ctrl key at the same time to select multiple Geometry consecutively or select multiple Geometry by dragging the box.
  2. On the Object Operation tab, in the Gallery control in the Object Editing group, click the Mirror button to perform a mirror operation.
  3. At this time, the mouse prompts: "Please draw a mirror reference line.", and the temporary mirror line can be drawn. The specific operation is as follows: click the left mouse button at the appropriate position to determine the first point of the mirror line, and move the mouse. After a temporary line segment that changes constantly with Move Stop by Mouse appears, click the right mouse button at the appropriate position to determine another point (the last point) of the mirror line, and the program performs the mirror operation. The determined line segment is the temporary mirror line around which the selected Geometry is rotated.
  4. For the next mirror operation, repeat steps 1 through 3 above.
Figure: Mirror Operation Illustration 1

When Multi-Layer Editing is started, the user can select multiple different types of Geometry (non-Text) in multiple editable layers at the same time to perform the mirroring operation, as shown in the following diagram.

Figure: Mirror Operation Illustration 2