
Function Description

The Combine function combines any objects (Geometry of the same or different types) in the current layer into a Compound.

  • A new Compound is generated by combining objects of the same or different types. Objects of the same type in line and face layers can be combined. You can combine different types of objects in a CAD composite layer.
  • In the Attributes of the newly generated Compound, System Field: (except SmUserID) is assigned by the system, and the fields SmUserID and Non-System Field: inherit the corresponding information of the object with the smallest SmID value among the objects participating in the combination.
  • Support for combining Geometry across layers.
  • Grouping of point objects is not supported in Point Dataset.
  • When the number of overlapping faces of an object is even, this area appears white after assembly and is part of the Result Data.

Function entrance

  • Object Operation tab-> Object Editing group-> Group.
  • Map-> Context Menu-> Group button.

Operating instructions

  1. With the layer editable, select two or more objects.
  2. On the Object Operation tab, in the Gallery controls in the Object Editing group, click the Group button to group selected objects.

    Or do the following:

    Select the two objects to be merged, click the right mouse button, and select the Combination command in the pop-up Context Menu.

Difference between combination and consolidation

Original object CAD Layer Combination Result Face Layer Combination Result Union Result
  • Merging can only operate on objects of the same type, while combining can operate on objects of different types.
  • Merging cannot operate on point objects, while combining can operate on point objects in Text and CAD.
    After the combination operation is performed
  • in the face layer, the part of the face objects that are superimposed in pairs is white, which is part of the result and is not missing.
  • When there is an inclusion relationship between the combined face objects, the result is the same as that of Donut Polygon.

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