Object Split
Function Description
Object Split Divides a line or face object by a selected object.
The Object Split button is available only when there are editable layers in the current Map and one or more selected line or face objects exist in the layers.
Segmentation and segmented objects | Split Result |
Function entrance
- Object Operation tab-> Object Editing group-> Object Split.
Operating instructions
- Set the line or face geometry Layer of Object to be divided in the Map to the editable state.
- Select a line or Region in an editable layer as the object to be split and click the Object Split button in the Gallery control in the Object Editing group on the Object Operation tab to execute the Object Split operation.
- At this time, move the mouse to the current Map, and the mouse prompts: Please select the object to split. Select a line object or a face object as the split object, that is, split the split object according to the intersection of the two objects.
- When Multi-Layer Editing is started, you can split lines or Regions in multiple editable layers at the same time.
- When selecting a split object, only simple 2D line and face objects are supported. Otherwise, the Output Window will prompt "The selected object is not a simple 2D point, line or face object, please select again.".