Operational function

Here we mainly introduce the functions used in the column update function, including Math, text processing function, and time processing function.

  • Parameter is the object operated by the function. In the column update function, it is the value of the specified field (operation field) participating in the construction of the operation expression.
  • otherParameter, otherParameter 1 and otherParameter2 are the required Other Parameters in Function, which need to be specified by the user. The two text boxes to the right of the Combo box for the operation function in the Update Columns dialog box.
  • If the field to be updated is not of DataTime type and the operation field is of DataTime type, the operation function supports: DaysInMonth, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year, DayOfYear,DayOfWeek。
  • If the field to be updated is of DataTime type and the operation field is also of DataTime type, the operation function supports: AddDays, AddHours, AddMilliseconds, AddMinutes, AddMonths,AddSeconds,AddYears,Date,Now。


Operational function Description


Abs (Parameter)

Returns the absolute value of a

function's argument, a positive number, or 0.


Sqrt (Parameter)

Square the argument of a

function and return a number (double precision).


Ln (Parameter)

Returns the natural logarithm of a

function's argument, a number (double precision).


Log (Parameter)

Returns the logarithm of a

function's argument, a number (double precision).


Int (Parameter)

Takes the integer part of a function's argument and returns an integer.


ObjectCenterX ()

Takes the X value of the center point of Geometry and returns a numeric value (double precision). If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the X coordinate value of the central point of Geometry corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


ObjectCenterY ()

Returns the Y value of the center point of a

Geometry (double). If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the Y coordinate value of the central point of Geometry corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


ObjectLeft ()

Gets the left boundary of the Geometry range and returns a numeric value (double). If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the left boundary value of the Geometry range corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


ObjectRight ()

Returns a numeric value (double) from the right boundary of the

Geometry range. If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the right boundary value of the Geometry range corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


ObjectTop ()

Returns a numeric value (double precision) from the upper bound of the

Geometry range. If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the upper boundary value of the Geometry range corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


ObjectBottom ()

Returns a numeric value (double precision) from the lower bound of the

Geometry range. If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the lower boundary value of the Geometry range corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


ObjectWidth ()

Gets the width of the Geometry range and returns a number (double). If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the width value of the Geometry range corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


ObjectHeight ()

Gets the height of the Geometry range and returns a number (double). If the field to be updated is an integer type, the returned value is rounded to the final updated value.

Within the specified Scope of update, for the record of a cell to be updated, the height value of the Geometry range corresponding to the record is taken out, and the returned value is the updated value of the cell to be updated.


RGBToInt ()


ts a record RGB Color Field to an Int value. For example, the RGB field is: 255, 255, 255 or 255; 255; 255, converted to an integer type value.


converted integer value can be used to set the Color Field in the Custom Thematic Map.

Text processing functions

Operational function Description


Parameter.Left (otherParameter)

Take the string otherParameter to the left of the string Parameter. If the length of the source string is less than otherParameter, keep the original string and return the string.

(otherParameter is any positive integer)


Parameter.Right (otherParameter)

Take the string otherParameter to the right of the string Parameter. If the length of the source string is less than otherParameter, keep the original string and return the string.

(otherParameter is any positive integer)


Parameter.Mid (otherParameter1, otherParameter2)

The string

parameter is a string composed of all characters from the character otherParameter 1 to the character otherParameter 2. If the length of the source character is less than otherParameter1, Keep the original string; if the length of the source string is less than otherParameter2, take all the strings after the first character of otherParameter and return the string. (Note: The character positions are Calcualting from 0, and each kanji occupies two character positions.)

(otherParameter 1 and otherParameter2 are arbitrary positive integers)


Parameter.UCase ()


the string Parameter in all uppercase.


Parameter.Lcase ()

The string Parameter is all lowercase to return the string.


Parameter.Trim ()

Removes all leading and trailing

white space characters from the string Parameter


Parameter.TrimEnd (otherParameter)

Removes all trailing occurrences of the set of characters specified by otherParameter from the string Parameter.

For example: Parameter = "efgabc", otherParameter = "ABC", after TrimEnd operation, the expression is automatically adjusted to Parameter. TrimEnd ( 'a', 'B', 'C') , the result of its operation range is "EFG".

(otherParameter is a string of the specified set of characters to match.)


Parameter.TrimStart (otherParameter)

Removes all trailing occurrences of the set of characters specified by otherParameter from the string Parameter.

For example: Parameter = "efgabc", otherParameter = "EFG", after TrimEnd operation, Its expression is automatically adjusted to Parameter. TrimStart ( 'e', 'f', 'G') , the result of which is "ABC".

(otherParameter is a string of the specified set of characters to match.)


Parameter.LRemove (otherParameter)

Removes the left otherParameter characters from the string Parameter.

(otherParameter is any positive integer)


Parameter.RRemove (otherParameter)

Removes otherParameter characters from the right side of the string Parameter.

(otherParameter is any positive integer)


Parameter.Replace (otherParameter1, otherParameter2)

Replaces the string in the

string Parameter that matches the string specified by otherParameter1 with the string specified by otherParameter2.

For example: Parameter = "efgabc", otherParameter1 = "FGA", otherParameter2 = "jklmn", the result of the Replace operation is "ejklmnbc".

(otherParameter 1, otherParameter2 specify Any String.)

Time processing function

Time processing function Description


Parameter.AddDays (otherParameter)

Adds the

specified otherParameter number of days to the specified Parameter date. Returns the date value after adding the number of days. If otherParameter is negative, the result date is earlier than Parameter date value.

(otherParameter is any integer.)


Parameter.AddHours (otherParameter)

Adds the

specified otherParameter hours to the specified Parameter date. Returns the date value with the added hours. If otherParameter is negative, the result time is earlier than Parameter time value.

(otherParameter is any integer.)


Parameter.AddMilliseconds (otherParameter)

Adds the

specified number of otherParameter milliseconds to the specified Parameter date. Returns the date value after adding the number of milliseconds. If otherParameter is negative, the result time is earlier than Parameter time value.

(otherParameter is any integer.)


Parameter.AddMinutes (otherParameter)

Adds the

specified number of otherParameter minutes to the specified Parameter date. Returns the date value after adding the number of minutes. If otherParameter is negative, the result time is earlier than Parameter time value.

(otherParameter is any integer.)


Parameter.AddMonths (otherParameter)

Adds the

specified number of otherParameter months to the specified Parameter date. Returns the date value after adding the number of months. If otherParameter is negative, the result date is earlier than Parameter date value.

(otherParameter is any integer.)


Parameter.AddSeconds (otherParameter)

Adds the

specified number of otherParameter seconds to the specified Parameter date. Returns the date value after adding the number of seconds. If otherParameter is negative, the result time is earlier than Parameter time value.

(otherParameter is any integer.)


Parameter.AddYears (otherParameter)

Adds the

specified number of otherParameter years to the specified Parameter date. Returns the date value after adding the number of years. If otherParameter is negative, the result date is earlier than Parameter date value.

(otherParameter is any integer.)


Parameter.Date ()

Get the date part in the Parameter value of the date type and return it. The time part of the return value is all zeroed.


Parameter.Now ()

Get the system Returns the current date and time.


Parameter.DaysInMonth ()

Returns the day of the year and month specified in the Parameter value of a date type.


Parameter.Second ()

Gets the seconds portion of the Parameter value for the date type and returns.


Parameter.Minute ()

Gets the minute portion of the Parameter value for a date type and returns.


Parameter.Hour ()

Gets the hour portion of the Parameter value for a date type and returns.


Parameter.Day ()

Gets the day of the month represented by the Parameter value of the date type.


Parameter.Month ()

Gets the month portion of the Parameter value for a date type and returns.


Parameter.Year ()

Gets the year portion of the Parameter value for the date type and returns.


Parameter.DayOfYear ()

Returns the day of the year represented in the Parameter value of a date type.


Parameter.DayOfWeek ()

The date represented in the Parameter value of the

return date type is the day of the week.