Manage Spatial Index

Instructions for use

"Spatial Index" button, used to manage the Spatial Index of the selected Dataset in the current Workspace Manager. Includes functions such as viewing the Spatial Index information of the Dataset and establishing the Spatial Index for the Dataset.

Operation steps

  1. In Workspace Manager, select the Dataset for which you want to view the Spatial Index information or establish the Spatial Index. You can use the Shift key or Ctrl key to select multiple Datasets at the same time.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Data Processing group, click the Spatial Index button. The Manage Spatial Index "dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure. Each record in the dialog box corresponds to the information of a Dataset.
  3. The Original Index "field displays the Index Type of all selected Datasets. If the user wants to re-establish the Spatial Index for the Dataset, he can select to re-establish the Index Type for the corresponding Dataset through the "Index Type" column.

    For instructions on how to use the Spatial Index Manager "dialog box, see Spa tial Index Manager" dialog box below.

  4. If you want to rebuild the Spatial Index for the Dataset, you can set the Index Type to be rebuilt for the corresponding Dataset through the "Index Type" column, and then click the "OK" button in the dialog box. Application will rebuild the Spatial Index of all Datasets in the dialog box according to the value of the "Index Type" column in the dialog box.
  5. After viewing or establishing the Spatial Index of the Dataset, click the Cancel button in the dialog box to exit the Spatial Index Manager "dialog box.
  6. Figure: Spatial Index Manager "Dialog Box


    1. Currently, supports R-tree index, Q-tree index, Dynamic index, and Mapsheet index.
    2. UDB and POSTGRESQL Datasource only support R-tree indexes (RTree).
    3. For other database-type Datasources, R-tree Index, Q-tree Index, Dynamic Index, and Mapsheet Index are supported.
    4. CAD does not support Dynamic Index.
    5. Route Dataset does not support Maps heet Index (TILE).
    6. The property Dataset does not support any type of Spatial Index.

    Related topics

    For the Index Type of the Vector Dataset, see Index Type ".