Data Import public parameter

On the Data Import dialog, when different files are selected from the data list, the parameters displayed on the right side are inconsistent. When multiple files are selected, the parameters that can be set are also inconsistent.

  • If the user selects multiple Vector Dataset and Raster Dataset in the list box at the same time, the Parameter Settings area displays the public parameters of the Import Dataset.
  • Depending on the format of Vector Data or Raster Data, the parameters that can be set in the parameters in the Vector File Parameter Settings or Raster File Parameter Settings area are also different.

Public Parameter Settings

  • If the user selects more than one Raster File or Vector File in the list box at the same time, The File Parameter Settings area of the Data Import area displays Parameter Settings items in the format of the last selected data.
  • If the user selects both Raster Data and Vector Data in the list box, only public parameters are displayed in the File Parameter Settings area of the Data Import area.
  • If importing single-band Raster Data, the import mode: None and Append have the same effect, that is, if the imported data has a name conflict with the Existing Data set, the imported data will automatically modify the name and be imported.
  • When importing RAW Image Files, the Result Type can only be imported as an Image Dataset. Selection between Image Dataset and Grid Dataset is not supported.