Longitude and latitude grid layer

The layer MapDivision _ L in Layer Manager is the longitude and latitude network covering the geographical range of China, and the Line Layer Settings style needs to be adjusted.

Operation steps

  1. In Layer Manager, double-click the of the MapDivision _ L layer nodes Button, or select the layer, right click the mouse, select the "Layer Style" item in the Context Menu, and pop up the "Style Settings" window;
  2. The line type of the warp and weft screen is set as a short dashed line, the line color (RGB) is set as (2, 132, 168), and the line width (unit: 0.1mm) is set as 1;
  3. In Layer Manager, the MapDivision _ L is placed on the topmost layer.

After the above operations, the configuration of all Base Map Layer is completed. At this time, the map is displayed as: