Surface Area

Instructions for use

Used to calculate the grid Surface Area, that is, the total Surface Area of the Raster Dataset fitted surface within the selected polygon area.

Operation steps

Surface Area

  1. Open the Raster Dataset in Map for which you want to calculate the Surface Area. Note: In Current Workspace, if there is no open Raster Data, this function cannot be used.
  2. In the Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> " Surface Area" item, the Output Window prompts: "Please draw a polygon on the map with the mouse. Then right-click to analyze.
  3. Draw a polygon on the map and click the right mouse button to complete the operation. Application displays the area size of the analyzed temporary polygon grid surface in Map and Output Window. The default area unit is square meters. Hold down the Esc key to clear temporary polygons drawn in the Map.

Select Polygon Area

  1. If both Raster Data and face data exist in the Map, select one or more polygon objects (hold down the Shift key to select multiple polygon objects).
  2. Measure the Surface Area of the polygon object in the Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> Select Polygon Area subitem.
  3. The Application displays the size of the analyzed Surface Area in the Map and Output Window.

Or do the following:

  1. In the Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> Select Polygon Area sub-item, A prompt will pop up in the map, "Select one or more surface objects for Surface Measure, and right-click to end the selection.".
  2. When prompted, select one or more face objects (hold down the Shift key to select multiple line objects), and right-click to end the selection.
  3. The Application displays the size of the analyzed Surface Area in the Map and Output Window.

Note: When multiple polygon objects are selected, the measurement result is the sum of the Surface Areas of the multiple polygon objects. The default area is in square meters. Press and hold the Esc key to clear the polygon object selection in the Map.