Profile Analysis

Instructions for use

A profile represents the change in surface elevation along a line (section). The study of the topographical profile of a section, which summarizes the topographical, geological and hydrological characteristics of the study area, including the geomorphological form, contour shape, absolute and relative height, geological structure, slope characteristics, surface cutting strength and erosion factors in the area, is very helpful for the evaluation of the difficulty of road construction or the feasibility of laying railway lines along the designated route. It can also be used as the basis for earthwork calculation.

The Profile Analysis function provided by SuperMap Application is used to view the profile of the grid surface along a given line and obtain the related Profile information. Profile information is obtained in different forms according to different function entries.

Sample point

The grid surface is continuous, but it is not possible to represent all locations on a given route continuously, so you need to select some feature points, called sample points, along this line. The profile effect is displayed through the elevation and coordinate information of these sample points. As shown in the following figure, the position where the given line intersects with the center line of the grid pixel is taken as the sampling point.

Profile information diagram

The following figure shows the schematic diagram of the section line under the two-dimensional coordinate system. Through the section line, you can intuitively understand the elevation fluctuation of the terrain along the given line.

Function entrance one

  • Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis group-> Surface Analysis-> Terrain Calculation-> Profile Analysis

Main parameters

  • Customize Y-axis Extreme Value: Select the check box to customize the maximum and minimum values of Y-axis in the profile (X and Y axes are displayed at an interval of 200. If the Custom Value is not a multiple of 200, the customized value will not be displayed in the coordinate axis).
  • Output Sample Point: Save the sampling point as Point Dataset, which contains the latitude and longitude coordinates, elevation value, and Straight-line Distance from the point to the starting point of the line.
  • Export as Image: Export the Profile Analysis chart as an image.
  • Raster Layer: All Raster Data in the current Layer Manager are displayed in the Raster Layer list. The user can select the layer to be used for Profile Analysis in the Raster Layer.
  • Setting: Line data is to set the way to add lines. "Draw Line" can directly draw line segments in Map. "Select Line" means that you need to add Line Dataset in Layer Manager to select line segments in Map.
  • The unit length of the coordinate axis is the same: Check the check box to set the maximum and minimum values of the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the Profile Analysis chart to be consistent.
  • Display the selected sampling point on the map: Select the check box to display the line position of the point in the Map when the mouse moves in the profile.

Function entrance two

  • Toolbox-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> Terrain Calculation-> Profile Analysis.

Main parameters

  • Source Data: Select the Datasource where the Raster Data for Profile Analysis is located and the Raster Dataset.
  • Line data: select the Datasource where the route data is located and the Line Dataset. If more than one line object exists in the line data, more than one CAD Dataset is generated.
  • Result Data: Select the Datasource of the generated CAD Dataset and set its name in the Dataset
  • Create the Sampling Points Dataset: Select the check box to generate the samplingPoint Dataset with the same name as the CAD Dataset.
  • The unit length of the coordinate axis is the same: Check the check box to set the maximum and minimum values of the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the Profile Analysis chart to be consistent.


  • Profile information graphs obtained from different function entries are different. Users can use different function entries according to their own needs, as follows: