Multi-Point Visibility Analysis

Instructions for use

Multi-Point Visibility Analysis is to analyze the intervisibility of multiple observation points and Observed Points on the surface of the input Raster Data, that is, whether each two can be intervisible.

  • The Grid/DEM Dataset must be present in the current Map to use the Line-of-sight Analysis feature.
  • As one of the components of the total elevation of the observation point, the Append: value has an important impact on the results of Line-of-sight Analysis. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the surface elevation value of the observation point and the Append: value to ensure that the Analyst Result is more in line with the actual situation.
  • When there are multiple observation points, the visibility between all observation points is analyzed.

Application Example

Open the Terrain "Datasource under the Exercise Data/Raster Analysis folder, and there is DGM data with a resolution of 5 meters, which we will use as an example.

Function entrance

  • On the Spatial Analysis tab-> Raster Analysis-> Surface Analysis-> Multi-Point Visibility;

Main parameters

  • Specifies the current analysis layer. If there are multiple Raster layers in the current Map, you need to select which layer you want to perform Visibility Analysis on here.
  • Specify the observation point. It can be added by clicking the mouse, or directly Import Point Dataset as the observation point. In the Multi-Point Visibility Analysis "dialog box, click the Click to Add" button, the mouse status changes to Add, and you can select a viewpoint by clicking on the grid surface. The selected observation point is highlighted in blue on the map.
  • Or use the import function Import View Point in the toolbar. The toolbar above the dialog box provides Click to Add Points, Select All, Select Inversely, Delete, Import, Export, and Uniform Settings ".

    • "Import" button: it is used to import points in the Import Point Dataset as observation points and Observed Points for analysis. This Dataset must contain the Append: field and the Role field. Click Import to pop up the Import Data "dialog box. In this dialog box, set the Dataset to be imported. Append: value, field corresponding to role information, and Filter Expression.
    • Export button: Export as Point dataset the points added in the current Map, and save the Append: information and the character information in the property sheet. Click Export to pop up the Export Data "dialog box. In this dialog box, set the information of the exported Point Dataset, including the name of the Dataset, Append: Field, and Role Field, as shown in the following figure.
    • Set button: After selecting one or more records in the dialog box, click this button to pop up the Batch Parameter Settings "dialog box Uniform Settings Parameter Information of Selected Record. Include: Append: Value and Role (Observation Point or Observed Point).
  • Sets the Append: value for the observation point. Append: value of an observation point can be modified, or Append: value of all observation points can be uniformly modified by Select All.
  • Set the role of the observation point. At least one point is guaranteed to be an observation point and the other point is an Observed Point.
  • Save Obstruction Point settings. To Save as Dataset the blocking point, select the Datasource you want to save and enter the Dataset Name.
  • Save Analysis Results。 Sets whether to display all intervisible observation points and all non-intervisible observation points in the Map. If you want to get the detailed Analyst Result, you can check "Save Detailed Result" to output the Analyst Result as a text file.
  • The Visibility Analysis operation is completed, and the results are shown in the following figure. This result shows that there is intervisibility between the observation point 1 and the Observed Point1, there is intervisibility between the observation point 2 and the Observed Point3, and there is no intervisibility between the observation point 1 and the Observed Point3. At the same time, the blocking point of the path without intervisibility is stored in the BarrierPointDataset under the Datasource.
  • Figure: Multi-Point Visibility Analysis Result

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