Detect Common Change

Instructions for use

Detect Change is to compare the multi-temporal images of the same area (usually collected for an area in different periods) to determine the type, amplitude and location of change, which has important and wide application value in the fields of Land Use, urban expansion, geological disaster monitoring, ecological environment protection, forest protection and other natural resources.

SuperMap iDesktopX provides a Detect Common Change function, which can serve a variety of image Detect Change scenes, identify the changed plots and generate vector results of interest category change pixels. The function of Detect Common Change can interpret images at a fine granularity, which is usually used to obtain the changes of buildings, roads and water bodies with obvious characteristics.

Parameter Description

Parameter name Default Parameter description Parameter Type
Source Dataset   Specifies the image or Raster Data for which a Detect Change is required DatasetVector
Compare Data set   Specify Compare Image or Raster Data for which Detect Change is required DatasetVector
Model File   Specify the Model File to use for Detect Change String
Tile overlap (pixel) 0 Enter the GPU number Integer
Amount of single step operation 1 The number of pictures of single step operation in one training Integer
Processor type GPU Specifies the processor type String
GPU number 0 Input the GPU number to support multi-card reasoning, that is, input multiple GPU numbers. If "0, 1, 2" is entered, it will automatically become "012" String
Other Parameters Set
false Check this box to set the Bounds Dataset/Datasource parameter. Boolean
Result Datasource   Datasource where the specified Dataset storing the result resides Datasource
Result Dataset changeDetection_result The specified Resulting dataset name. String

Output Result

Parameter name Parameter description Parameter Type
Result Dataset Result Dataset DatasetVector