Prompt Segmentation

Instructions for use

Prompt-based segmentation using the SAM model involves using vector data as prompt information to segment images. SuperMap currently offers no-prompt, rectangular-box prompt, and polygon prompt segmentation capabilities, enabling precise segmentation of targets within images.

Parameter Description

Parameter name Default Parameter description Parameter Type
Dataset   Image Target Dataset in Select Works pace. DatasetImage
Prompt type No prompt Three types are supported: "Rectangular box prompt, Polygon prompt, and no Prompt data". The default is no prompt. String
Prompt data   Support Vector Region Dataset. DatasetVector
Model magnitude 4 The larger the number of parameters is, the more complex the model is, and the higher the accuracy of Split Result is. String
Sampling mode   Equidistant sampling and Local similarity sampling are supported. When prompted that the Data Type is "No prompt", Equidistant sampling is the default; When Prompt Data is "Polygon prompt" ", the default Local similarity sampling; when Prompt Data Type is" Rectangular box prompt "", this parameter is not optional. Enum
The size of tiles 1024 The size of the picture entered into the model during inference. The default is 1024. Integer
Tile overlap (pixels): 0 The default value is 0 to reduce the problem of insufficient prediction of Tile edge data. The larger the Tile overlap, the longer it takes to infer the entire image. Integer
Amount of single step operation 1 The number of pictures processed at one time during inference. The default value is 1. Within a reasonable range, the amount of single-step computation is directly proportional to the memory (video memory) occupied, and inversely proportional to the reasoning time. Integer
Processor type   A central proces unit (CPU) or a graphics proces unit (GPU) of a computer may be used to process data. And that GPU has high calculation speed. String
GPU number 0 Specifies the GPU identification number that processes the data. The default value is 0. If multiple cards are used, separate them with "?". When the processor is a CPU, this parameter is -1 and is not optional. String
Result Datasource   The Datasource where the specified Dataset storing the result is located. DataSource
Result Dataset resultDataName The output Result Dataset is Vector Data. String

Output Result

Parameter name Parameter description Parameter Type
Prompt segmentation result Output Vector Dataset DatasetVector