

Extracting specified contour lines can extract a certain number of specific value contour lines according to the user's needs. A series of feature values can be automatically generated based on the set range and interval, and the extracted raster dataset (RasterRDD) can be generated.

Parameter Specification

Parameter Name Default Value Parameter Definition Parameter Type
RasterRDD to be analyzed   RasterRDD that needs to be reclassified RasterRDD
Starting value 0.0 The initial starting value for generating contour lines Double
Termination value 0.0 The maximum value of the generated contour line Double
Isodistance 0.0 The interval value between two contour lines, which, together with the reference value, determines which contour lines to extract Double
Field Name for Saving Elevation Values
zValue The field name used to save the elevation values generated by contour lines. Users can name it themselves, and the default is zValue String