Model Voxelization

Instructions for Use

Support for generating Voxel Grid data based on Model Data through voxelization technology. The data generation process is the process of converting a 3D entity Model into a voxel representation.

Parameter Description

Parameter Name Parameter Description Parameter Type
Dataset Input source Model Dataest to generate Voxel Grid data. DatasetVector
Target Datasource: Set the Datasource that stores the resulting Voxel Grid data. Datasource
Target Dataset Name (Optional) Set the name of the resulting voxel Raster Dataset. The default is Model ToVoxelGridResult. String
Value Mode: (Optional) Set the grid value mode of the Voxel Grid, including none, height, and fields.
  • Modeless for white membranes, Result Data for Algebraic operations. The
  • height pattern represents that the grid values of the Voxel Grid are consistent with the height of the model. The
  • field mode uses the Specify Field name as the grid value of the Voxel Grid.
Target Field (Optional) This parameter is available only when Value Mode is set to Field, and is used to set the Target Field. String

Output Result

Parameter Name Parameter Description Parameter Type
Model Voxel ization Result Volume Raster Dataset DatasetVolume