Raster Image Tile Generation Model

Instructions for Use

Generates spatial 3D Model Tiles (.scp) based on the specified TIN Terrain Tile (*.SCT) and 3D Image Tile (\.sci3d).

Parameter Description

Parameter Name Parameter Description Parameter Type
TIN Tile (.sct) Enter the Config File (*.SCT) for the specified source TIN Terrain Tile. String
Terrain Tiles Password: (Optional) If TIN Terrain Tile is encrypted, a password is required to use the data. String
Image Tile: Enter the Config File (*.sci3d) of the specified source 3D image Tile Data. String
Video Tile Password: (Optional) If the 3D video tile is encrypted, a password is required to use the data. String
Output Path: Set the storage path for result data. String
Target Name: Set the File Name of the result data. String
File Type: (Optional) Set the File Type of the resulting Tile Data, which supports S3MB and OSGB.
  • S3MB: Selecting this parameter will Generate S3MB tile data.
  • OSGB: Selecting this parameter will generate a OSGB tile data.

Output Result

Parameter Name Parameter Description Parameter Type
Result Model Tiles Storage Path for Result Tile Data String