Beautify Window Material

Instructions for Use

Based on the deep learning neural network model, the window results are automatically identified , and the material of the window is changed from Common Material to PBR Material through Beautify Window Material tools.

Parameter Description

Parameter Name Parameter Description Parameter Type
Datasource Datasource where Source Model Dataest is located Datasource
Dataset Source Model Dataest DatasetVector
Detection Result Enter the path to the folder where the result file *.xml of the automated recognition test is located. The size and location of the recognized window are recorded in the *.xml file String
Picture Path The original texture involved in the operation Picture Path String
Game Engine Use
Only checked when Result Data is used in UE, Boolean
Metallicity Minimum
Set the metallicity minimum for PBR material, with a default of 0.7.
In PBR material, the metallicity parameter controls the reflective properties of the surface of the material. The value ranges from 0.0 to 1. The larger the value, the higher the metallicity. Metals usually have a higher metallicity value.
Metallicity Max
Set the metallicity Max for PBR material, default is 1 Double
Roughness Minimum
Set the roughness minimum for PBR material. Default is 0.
In PBR Material, the roughness parameter controls the roughness of the material surface. The value range is 0 ~ 1. The greater the value, the greater the roughness of the material.
Metallicity is often used in conjunction with roughness to achieve a more realistic material effect.
Maximum Roughness
Set the maximum roughness for PBR material. Default is 0.3 Double
Window Material Folder
Enter the folder path to the Texture Map for the different sizes of windows. Available for Overlay Generate Selt-luminous Texture String
Minimum Self-Illumination Factor
Set the minimum self-illumination factor for the PBR material from 0.0 to 10. The default value is 0.5.
The self-illumination factor is used to control the self-illumination intensity of the material. Self-luminous means that the object itself emits light without relying on ambient light or illumination to produce brightness, which can simulate the effects of indoor lighting and neon lights at night.
Maximum Self-Illumination Factor
Set the maximum self-illumination factor for the PBR material from 0.0 to 10. The default value is 2 Double
Select the Target Datasource where the Result Dataset is stored Datasource
Set the name of the Result Model Dataset. The default is WindowsBeautify String

Output Result

Parameter Name Parameter Description Parameter Type
Target Dataset Result Model Dataset DatasetVector