SDX + for Oracle Spatial Description
- Currently, you can select other schema names of oracle when opening the Oracle SpatialDatasource, but you need to give the user some permissions. For example, if the oracle spatialDatasource was created by user1, give user2 the following oracle privileges if you want user2 to have the corresponding privileges. The SQL statement that grants the permission is as follows:
//View permission grant select on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; grant select on user1.SmOspImgRegister to user2; grant select on user1.SmDataSourceInfo to user2; grant select on user1.SMFieldInfo to user2; Grant select on user 1. Dataset table name to user 2; //for all data tables Grant select on user1.Dataset table name _ RDT to user2; //for Raster Data //Add object permission grant update on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; Grant insert on user 1. Dataset table name to user 2; //Edit object permission grant update on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; Grant update on user 1. Dataset table name to user 2; //Delete Object permission grant update on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; Grant delete on user 1. Dataset table name to user 2; //Modify table structure permission grant select on user1.sm_seq_fieldinfo to user2; grant insert on user1.SMfieldinfo to user2; grant delete on user1.SMfieldinfo to user2; Grant alter on user 1. Dataset table name to user 2;
- In the Oracle Spatila engine, the view User _ SDO _ geom _ metadata in the database must be recorded first, or the new Datasource will not have a Dataset. Solution: Users can manually add records to the User _ SDO _ geom _ metadata externally based on the actual data, and then Create Datasource.
- The Spatial Data table requires a Primary Key. If not, it is recommended that the user specify a Primary Key.
- Currently supported Dataset types are: point, line, surface, text, property sheet, and grid. The Spatial Data of the point, line, and Region Dataset are stored in the Mdsys. Sdo _ Geometry field, and the Text Dataset and the text in the SDX + for Oracle engine use the same Storage Format.
- Sdo _ Gtype to support Md sys. Sdo _ Geometry:
- 2001、3001、2005、5
- 2001、3001、2005、5
- 2001、3001、2005、5
- When opening an Oracle SpatialDataset created by other GIS software
- through the Oracle Spatial engine of SuperMap, after the Open Datasource, The best range of Recal culateVector Dataset.
- Support external grid Data Import to SuperMap's SDX + for Oracle SpatialDatasource as GeoRaster Image or Grid/DGM type, with the following requirements:
- Oracle server and client versions must be 10g or above, and 9 I is not supported.
- Multi-band Image Data supports data stored in BIP (Band Interleaved by Pixel) or BSQ (Band Sequential) format. BIL (Band Interleaved by Line) is not supported.
- Compression Encoding: Zip compression only.
- Supported bit depths: 8, 16, 24, 32 bits. Others are temporarily not supported.
- In The current version, the GeoRaster data model is supported differently than in ArcSDE:
- The Raster data model
- of ArcSDE is stored and displayed in different bands. For example, a BMP image is stored in three bands in ArcSDE, and each band is stored in 8 bytes. SuperMap can only combine these three bands into a 24 byte Image Dataset for processing when reading.
- Currently, ArcSDE data only supports data with n bands and each band is 8 bytes.
- Compatibility of GeoRaster model in SDX + for Oracle SpatialDatasource with other software:
- ImageDataset can be displayed correctly in MapBuilder (Oracle Spatial's own display tool) for the data imported
- through SuperMap, but Grid and DEM data sets can not be displayed correctly in MapBuilder, and the problem needs to be studied. Registration and display of
- Oracle Spatial data in ArcSDE is not currently supported.
- Projection Transformation is not supported.
- Dataset encoding is not supported.
- After Create Datasource, the original Dataset will not automatically Recalculate Range and index, so after Open Dataset, if there is no object, Recalculate Dataset Bounds or Rebuild Spatial Index.
- Vector Dataset supports modifications to Field Alias.
- Vector type Dataset naming rules:
- Dataset created
- by non-SuperMap, Dataset name: table name _ Spatial Data column name. If there is a Spatial Data column Shape in the table Street, the Dataset name in SuperMap is Street _ Shape. To distinguish the case of multiple SDO _ GEOMETRY columns in a single table, one SDO _ GEOMETRY column corresponds to one Dataset. Dataset created
- by SuperMap, and the Dataset name is consistent with the table name.
- GeoRaster type Dataset naming convention:
- GeoRaster data
- not created by SuperMap: TableName _ ColumnName _ RasterID
ColumnName is the GeoRaster column name of the table whose name TableName refers to; RasterID is the RasterID of the GeoRaster. - SuperMap imports the same data as other engines. The SmGeoRaster column of the Raster Data primary table is of the GeoRaster type, and the RDT (Raster Data Table) table is: primary _ RDT.
- not created by SuperMap: TableName _ ColumnName _ RasterID