Save to Style Templates Gallery

Instructions for use

The Save to Style Templates Library command sets the display style (Uniform Style) of the objects in the Vector Layer to be saved as a Style Templates. Thus, the carefully configured Layer Style is applied to other Vector Layers of the same type.

According to different types of Vector Layer, it is mainly divided into three types: point, line and surface. Therefore, when the style of Vector Layer is saved as Style Templates, the point, line and surface types of Vector Layer will be used. Save Style Templates in the appropriate point, line, and Fill Style Templates libraries. In addition, the templates in the Style Templates library of the corresponding type will be displayed in the drop-down list of the "Template" Drop-down Button of the "Point Style" group, the "Line Style" group and the "Region Style" group in the "Layer Style" tab on the ribbon. That is, the newly saved Style Templates are automatically added to the drop-down list in the Templates Drop-down Button in the appropriate group in the Layer Style "tab.

Operation steps

  1. Right click the Vector Layer node in Layer Manager, move to Layer Style Template in the pop-up Context Menu, pop up the right pull-down menu, and click to select Save Library.. command.
  2. The Save Symbol (Line/Fill) Style Templates "dialog box pops up. Enter the name of Style Templates in the dialog box, and click OK in the dialog box.
  3. The saved Style Templates is actually to save the Style Output Information as a *.xml file, which is saved in a subfolder under \ Templates \ Style3D \ under the installation directory, and the subfolders are Fill, Line, and Marker. Which respectively correspond to a Fill Style Templates library, a Line Style Templates library and a point Style Templates library. Export the Style Templates file (*.xml) to the specified Style Templates library folder.