Screen Mapping

Instructions for use

"Screen Mapping" button to add pictures to the scene in the Scene. The image in "Screen Mapping" Add to Scene is actually a Screen Layer added to the scene. A scene contains only one Screen Layer, and multiple image objects can be added to the Screen Layer.

Screen Layer is a special layer. Unlike other 3D layers, Terrain Layer and Image Layer, objects in Screen Layer are not placed on the earth in the scene according to the coordinate information of the objects. Instead, it is placed somewhere on the screen (Scene surface) according to the specified screen coordinates, so the objects on the Screen Layer do not change with the rotation, tilt, enlargement, reduction, and other operations of the sphere in the scene. The objects on the Screen Layer are static relative to the Scene. In this way, you can use the Screen Layer to place content that needs to be displayed in the Scene, such as Logo and explanatory text.

Operation steps

  1. With a new or open scene, click the Screen Mapping button on the ribbon > Scene tab > Data group.
  2. The Open Screen Mapping File dialog box pops up, and select the Picture File to be loaded in the dialog box (Picture Files in *.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif formats are supported). Then click the "Open" button in the dialog box to finish loading the picture.
  3. The newly loaded picture will be displayed on the Screen Layer in Add to Scene. Meanwhile, a node will be added to the next level of the "Screen Layer" node in Layer Manager. This node corresponds to the Picture File just loaded.
  4. Click the right mouse button on the child node under Screen Layer in Layer Manager to pop up the menu. The pop-up menu contains Edit, Remove, and Properties buttons.
    • Edit: Click the "Edit" button, and the picture will change to the edit mode. Set the size, angle and position of the picture according to the user's needs.
    • Remove: Click Remove to pop up the Remove Layer dialog box, and click OK to remove the Screen Mapping object. At the same time, the next level node of the Screen Layer node will remove the node of the Screen Layer object. Click the "Cancel" button to cancel the operation of removing the Screen Mapping object.
    • Properties: Click the "Properties" button to pop up the "Properties" dialog box. You can view the Picture Info and set the position and transparency of the picture by editing the values of "Horizontal Position", "Vertical Position" and "Transparency". Set the picture editing status by clicking the Edit by Mouse "check box.


  • To add a Screen Mapping object to the scene is to add it to the Screen Layer. The Screen Layer is mainly used to store and display temporary objects. Saving in the scene is not supported.