Style Tab
Style tab: Lets you set the Font style used by the label object (Text) in the current segment Thematic Label Map.
- Segmentation expression: This combo box is used to set the Thematic variable of the segmentation Thematic Label Map. The Property Field participating in the segmentation must be a numeric field. The label objects corresponding to the objects whose thematic values are in the same range segment are displayed with the same Text Style. The text styles of the label objects corresponding to the objects in different range segments are different.
- The drop-down list of the combo box lists the name of the numeric Property Field of the Vector Dataset that can make the segment Thematic Label Map. The user can select any field to change the Thematic variable used by the current segment. Or enter a field name in the combo box, but the field must exist in the drop-down list of the combo box. The user can also select the Expression.. "Item in the drop-down list of the combo box to construct the mathematical expression of the Property Field in the pop-up SQL Expression" dialog box. When the
- field expression is complete, click the Refresh button to the right of the combo box, The current segmentation Thematic Label Map re-segments and re-styles the label object (Text) with the new Thematic variable and refreshes Display Effects.
- Segmentation method: The combo box on the right is used to set the segmentation method of the thematic value. The drop-down list of the combo box lists all the segmentation methods provided by Application. The user can select a suitable segmentation method from them.
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- Number of Segments is used to set the number of segments for segmenting thematic values, that is, the number of final range segments.
- Single Segment Length: It is used to set the interval distance of the segment, that is, the length of each range segment. The setting of this item is valid only when the segmentation method is Custom Interval.
- Segment title format: It is used to specify the format for expressing the value range of each range segment. Two formats are mainly provided, as shown in the figure above.
- The combo box to the right of the Color Scheme: label is used to set the text color style used by the label objects in each range segment in the segment Thematic Label Map. A list of Color Schemes is provided in the drop-down list of the combo box. When a Color Scheme is selected, The text of the label object of each range segment is assigned a different color according to the color change mode of the Color Scheme, and the current segment Thematic Label Map reconfigures the text color of the label object using the new Color Scheme and refreshes the Display Effects.
- Label Range Segment List: The bottom area of the Flavor tab is a list of all label range segments in the current segmentation Thematic Label Map. The list is mainly used to display the value range of the range segment and the Text Style and other Display Controls used to control the label object in each range segment. Each item in the list corresponds to a label range segment.
- Set whether the object corresponding to the thematic value is visible:
It is used to control whether to display the label object belonging to the label range segment corresponding to the item in the subsection Thematic Label Map layer. Click the icon to control the display. When the icon is in
the status, it means that it can be displayed.
When, indicates that it is not displayable.
- Set the annotation content of the thematic value: The text content displayed on each item in the label range segment list is the value range of the range segment corresponding to the item, and its format is controlled by the "Segment Title Format:". Double-click Text Content, and the Text Content becomes editable, and the user can edit it. Thereby changing the display content on the label range segment item.
- Adjust the value of the staging point for the Thematic value segment: The column of spin boxes on the right side of the label range segment list is used to display and set the value of the staging point that segments all thematic values based on the segment Thematic variable. Each spin box corresponds to a staging point. The value of the staging point can be changed through the spin box. The changed results are reflected on the current segment Thematic Label Map layer in real time.
- Set the selected label range segment item: The button in the middle area of the Style tab is mainly used to process the display style and visible status of the selected label range item in the label range segment list.
- The Merge button is used to merge the selected multiple continuous label range segments into one label range segment. The range range of the merged range segment is the union of the range ranges of all the merged range segments. If none or only one label range segment is selected, or the selected label range segments are not continuous, this button is unavailable.
- The Split button is used to split a selected label range segment into two new range segments.
- The Text Style button is used to set the Text Style of all the selected label range segments, that is, the labels belonging to the selected label range segments will be displayed with the set Text Style. After selecting one or more label range segment items (the auxiliary shift key is used to select multiple items), click this button, and the user can set the text Label Style of the selected label range segment in the pop-up Text Style dialog box.
- The Visible button controls the visibility of label objects belonging to the selected label range segment item in the current segment Thematic Label Map. Multiple label range segment items can be selected at the same time.
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