Dataset Group is used to manage multiple Datasets in the same Datasource, which is convenient for data display and search. For example, all datasets related to roads and rivers in Datasource are stored in the road and river groups respectively. When a certain road dataset needs to be searched, it only needs to be searched under the road group. When the group is opened to Map at the same time, the All Data set in the group is opened by default.
When using the Dataset Group, you need to be aware of the following:
- Dataset Group does not support Set Coordinate System, but it can store datasets of different coordinate systems;
- Dataset of different types can be stored in a Dataset Group, but the same Dataset can only belong to one group under the same Datasource;
- Support packet nesting, that is, there can be sub-packets in the packet;
- Datasource types supported: UDBX, PostGIS, Yukon, PostgreSQL, OraclePlus, DMPlus, MySQL, POLARDBGanos, KingBase, HighGoDB, SHENTONG, Vastbase、EMS Datasource;
Beginning with the SuperMap iDesktopX 11i (2024) release, Dataset Group functionality is available.
Create Dataset grouping
- In the Existing data source Context Menu, click Create New Group.
- A new Dataset Group "DatasetGroup" will be added in the Datasource, and the name of the Dataset Group can be changed as required. Under the same Datasource, the name of Dataset Group is unique, and the group name shall be composed of Chinese characters, letters, numbers and underscores, but shall not start with numbers or underscores.
Copy Dataset grouping
Copy Dataset group will be copied together with Dataset/Dataset Group under the group, supporting the replication of the same Datasource or across Datasource.
- Select one or more Dataset Groups and select Copy in the Context Menu (or use the Ctrl + C shortcut).
- Select Target Datasource and use Ctrl + V to copy the selected Dataset Group to the specified Target Datasource.
If Copy to Group is selected, select Paste in the Target Group Context Menu (or use Ctrl + V shortcut key) to copy the selected Dataset Group to the specified Target Dataset Group.
If there is a group or Dataset with the same name in the Target Datasource or Dataset Group, add "_ n" after the name of the group or Dataset with the same name by default. The n represents a number, the second with the same name plus "_ 1", the third with the same name plus "_ 2", and so on.
Move to group
Support for moving single or multiple Dataset/groups into a target group. When the packet is moved, the Dataset in the packet will also be moved together. It is only supported to move the packet by dragging.
- Single or multiple Datasets are selected in the Datasource.
- Select the target Group Name in the Context Menu-> Move to group to complete the Dataset move operation.
- The Move to group function is available when Dataset Group exists in the
- Current Data source, and only groups moved to the Current Data source are supported. Drag the Dataset or group
- from the Current Data source to the target group to implement the move operation.
- If the Dataset or group is dragged to the target group across the Datasource, the copy operation is implemented.
Export Dataset Grouping
Support for exporting Dataset Groups to FileGDB format files. A Dataset Group corresponds to an element Dataset in FileGDB. Because the element Dataset has Data Type and projection restrictions on its contained feature classes, the Dataset in the group must meet the following conditions. To export all data sets in the array group to the feature Dataset in the FileGDB format file:
- Dataset Type contains only 2D and 3D point, line and Region datasets. Tabular Dataset supports exporting to FileGDB, but not to the corresponding Dataset; other Doesn ''t support the data type. Export.
- Dataset's coordinate system remains the same. When the coordinates are not consistent, only the Dataset with the same coordinate system as the first Dataset is exported.
- Subgroup does not exist in the group. When there is a sub-group, you need to manually add the Dataset in the sub-group to the export list, and the sub-group will lose the hierarchical relationship with the parent group after export.
The operation steps are described as follows:
- Select the Dataset Group to be exported, and right-click to select Export.
- On the Data Export dialog, set parameter information for Export Data. Refer to the Export File GDB for details.
Import Dataset grouping
Support the import of element Dataset in FileGDB as Dataset Group.
- Select Import Dataset in the DatasourceContext Menu that is already open.
- On the Data Import dialog, select File GeoDatabase Vector File from the Select Folder drop-down menu and select the FileGDB file folder to be imported on the Browse Folder pop-up dialog.
- On the Data Import dialog, set Parameters information. Refer to the Import FileGDB data for details.
View Dataset Group Properties
- Select Properties in the Workspace ManagerDataset Group Context Menu.
- Attributes of the Dataset Group are displayed in the Properties Panel on the right, including:
- Name: Displays the name of the Dataset Group.
- Number of Dataset: displays the total number of Dataset under the Dataset Group.
- Dataset Group Description: Display and modify the Dataset Group Description, so that others can understand the Dataset Group.
Cancel Dataset Group
When a Dataset Group is canceled, the child group or Dataset in the group is attributed to the parent group.
- Select the Dataset Group that requires the Cancel Group.
- To cancel the Dataset Group, right-click and select Cancel Group.
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