Data Formats Supported by Type Conversion

In addition to using SuperMap's own data format, we also need to operate a variety of external data formats when we deal with GIS. The Data Conversion function provides conversion between different data formats, and supports multiple data formats well.

A list of data formats supported by Data Import and Data Export is given below for the convenience of the user.

1. Support imported Vector File format

2. Support imported Raster File format

3. Support imported Model File format

4. Data Import formats supported by different platforms

Vector File format supported for import

Vector File format supported for import Document description Support importing as Dataset Type Whether export is supported
AutoCAD Drawing File(*.dwg) DWG is a drawing file of AutoCAD, which is a standard file format for saving vector graphics. It is a vector-based binary file format. CADCAD、Simple Dataset
AutoCAD DXF File(*.dxf) DXF file is a kind of drawing exchange file of AutoCAD, which is used to exchange CAD data between AutoCAD and other software. It is an ASCII file format based on vector. CADCAD、Simple Dataset
ArcInfo Export Files (*.e00) The E00 file is a common exchange format file for ESRI ArcInfo. E00 contains almost all vector formats and Attributes in ASCII plain text. Simple Dataset
ArcView Shape Files (*.shp) Is the unique data format of ArcView GIS software, which is used to store the space and Attributes of geographic features, and is a commonly used Vector Data format. Simple Dataset
GeoDatabase Vector Files (*.gdb) Is a ESRI Geodatabase Vector Data file that can be imported as a point, line, surface, text, and plain Tabular Dataset. The result is a single Vector Dataset. Simple Dataset
ArcGIS Personal GeoDatabase Files (*.mdb) Is an ArcGIS personal geodatabase data file that can be imported as a point, line, surface, text, and pure Tabular Dataset. The import result is a single Vector Dataset. Note: This file uses the Microsoft Access data file structure, so you need to install a AccessDatabase Engine. Exe file when importing this file. The type of Access Database Engine to be installed depends on the number of bits of the iDesktop. For example, if you use a 64-bit iDesktop, you need to install a 64-bit Access Database Engine. Simple Dataset
MapInfo TAB File(*.tab) Is a table-structured file of attribute data that stores information in the form of tables, and the TAB file defines the table structure of the Map Properties data CADCAD、Simple Dataset
MapInfo Exchange Format(*.mif) It is a kind of intermediate exchange file used by MapInfo for external data exchange, which saves the table structure of MapInfo and the Spatial Info of the object, including the symbol style, Fill Mode and other style information of the object. CADCAD、Simple Dataset
MapInfo WOR Files (*.wor) It's a MapInfo Works pace File. Workspace files hold information such as tables, windows and window positions, maps, layouts, resource symbols, MapInfo Environment Settings, and so on. Simple Dataset  
MapGIS Exchange Format(*.wat; *.wal; *.wap; *.wan) It is the plain code file of MapGIS, and its file structure is composed of file header and data area. In MAPGIS file system, the project file (suffix name is. MPJ) generally includes point file (*. WT), line file (*. WL), surface file (*. WP) and network file (*. WN). Before the import function is executed, these graphic file formats of MapGIS must be converted into MapGIS plain code format, and then the import work is carried out. After the above four file formats are converted into plain code format, the file names are respectively: point plain code file (*.wat), line plain code file (*.wal), area plain code file (*.wap), and network plain code file (*.wan). CADCAD、Simple Dataset  
Microsoft Excel File(*.xlsx) Files that support Office 2007 and later versions, namely *.xlsx format files, usually store spatial and Attributes of geographic data, and can be imported as property sheet data. Tabular Dataset
CSV Text Files (*.csv) A file that records data in text form (usually a comma for Separator). This format is often used as a format for data exchange between different programs. Tabular Dataset  
LIDAR File(*.txt) The data points obtained by lidar are very dense, also known as Point Cloud Data. Point Dataset、3D Point Dataset
DBASE File Format (*.dbf) Table data for ShapeFile data. Tabular Dataset  
DGN File(*.dgn) Microstation DGN File。 Vector Dataset  
VCT Files (*.vct) National standard Vector File. Vector Dataset
Telecom Building Vector Region File Telecom industry data vector surface data. Vector Region Dataset
Telecom Vector Line File Telecom industry data vector line data. Vector Line Dataset
Telecom Vector Text File Telecom industry data Text. Point Dataset
GJB File Folder Military standard data refers to the data of military digital maps that conform to the national standards. Vector Point, Line, Surface, Text Dataset
S-57 Chart Data File (*.000) S-57 compliant Chart Data. Requires a Chart Module license to import. Chart Dataset Group
GeoJson File GeoJson is a format for encoding various geographic data structures, which is based on the Geographic Spatial Info data exchange format represented by JavaScript objects. Point, Line, Surface, CAD Dataset
SimpleJson data files (*.json) SimpleJson (*.json) is a unique data format supported by SuperMap software. SimpleJson data consists of two files: (*.json) and (*.meta). Meta Data Information that stores data in the (*.meta) file and member information in the data in the (*.json) file. Point, Line, Surface, CAD Dataset
GPS File(*.gpx ) *.gpx file is a GPS track point file recorded by GPS device, which is a lightweight XML data exchange format. Point Dataset
OpenStree tMap data files (*.osm) * The.osm file is a Vector Data file created by OpenStree tMap to hold information for street maps. Save in ASCII plain code. Can be imported as point, line, Region Dataset, but not as CAD Dataset. Point, Line, Region Dataset

Raster File format supported for import

Raster File format supported for import Document description Support importing as Dataset Type Whether export is supported
ArcInfo Grid files (*.grd; *.txt) The GRD format data is grid data, which is a Raster DataStorage Format of ArcInfo Grid and stores the spatial position and pixel value information of pixels in blocks. Raster Dataset
Erdas Image File(*.img) It is a common file format for remote sensing analysis under ERDAS platform, which can store image, raster, DEM and other data. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
TIFF(*.tif; *.tiff) TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a common high-bit color image format. GeoTIFF is a TIFF file format that contains geographic information, which is encoded in the Tag (tag) reserved in the TIFF file. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
Bitmap File(*.bmp) It is the standard image file format in the Windows operating system. It does not have any compression and occupies a large space. It is imported as Image Data. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
PNG File(*.png) The network image file Storage Format has simple compression for pixels of continuous pixel values. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
GIF File(*.gif) Image interchange format with simple compression of pixels of continuous pixel value. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
JPG File(*.jpg; *.jpeg) A common picture format that stores a single image in 24-bit color. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
JPEG 2000 files (*.jp2, *.jpk) JPEG 2000 is an image compression standard based on wavelet transform, and the compression ratio is high. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset  
ECW File(*.ecw) ECW is an Erdas proprietary format that is wavelet-based lossy compression, similar to JPEG 2000. Image Dataset
SIT Image File(*.sit) It is the grid and Image Files Storage Format owned by SuperMap products. It integrates a variety of Process Image technologies, which can not only compress Image Data by a large margin, but also read and display at a very fast speed. Image Dataset
USGDEM and GBDEM Raster File (*.dem) Is an interchange format for Spatial Data and is imported as Raster Data. Raster Dataset
BIL File(*.bil) BIL is a row-by-row cross format of bands, with the scanning line as the unit. The data of the same scanning line of each band is recorded in turn. The image sequence is All bands of the first pixel, followed by All Bands of the second pixel, then the third pixel, and so on. Raster Dataset
BIP File(*.bip) BIP is a pixel-band cross format, which is recorded with a pair of pixels as the basic unit. Raster Dataset
BSQ File(*.bsq) BSQ is a band sequential format in which all scan in each band are recorded in sequence, with each row of data follow by that next row of data in the same band. Raster Dataset
RAW File(*.raw) It is a common format in the field of digital imaging. It contains all the photo information after the original Picture File is generated by the sensor and before it enters the camera image processor. It has the characteristics of small compression loss and relatively small storage space. Image Dataset
MrSID File(*.sid) It is a common remote sensing image Storage Format, which is compressed by MrSID multi-resolution seamless Image Data library, with less error space and browsing time. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
Telecom Data Raster File (*.b, *.bin) Telecom industry data Raster Data. Raster Dataset  
ASCII Grid Files (*.asc) Is ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Grid Interchange File. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
GDAL Virtual Data Format (*.vrt) Is a file format created by the Geographic Spatial Data Library (GDAL). This format allows the virtual Dataset to be fetched from other Datasets that are readable by GDAL. Support multiple Raster Data formats, including TIFF, IMG, DEM and other formats. Image Dataset、Raster Dataset  
EGC Files (*.egc) Is a raster image file developed by EximiousSoft. Raster Dataset
Weather Data Files (*.grib2) GRIB is a binary file format developed by WMO for the exchange and storage of regularly distributed data. In GRIB2, the encoded data is divided into nine segments. Raster Dataset  

Model File format supported for import

Model File format supported for import Document description Support importing as Dataset Type Whether export is supported
SketchUp3D Model File(*.skp) Model data, which can be imported as Model Dataest. Data generated by SketchUp 2021 and earlier is currently supported. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
3DS 3D Model File(*.3ds) Model data, which can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
DXF 3D Model File(*.dxf) Model data, which can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
3D Model File for DirectX (*.x) Model data, which can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
RVT 3D Model File(*.rvt) An RVT file is a CAD file created in Revit by building information modeling (BIM) software developed by Autodesk. The RVT file contains the 3D building design. Can be imported as Model Dataest. Model Dataest  
3DXML 3D Model File(*.3dxml) 3DXML is a completely open, lightweight 3D Data format from Dassault Systemes. Can be imported as Model Dataest. Model Dataest  
Oblique Photography OSGB files (*.osgb, *.osg) Oblique Photography Model data can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest
SuperMap 3D Model File (*.s3m, *.s3mb, *.s3mbz) Hypergraph customized spatial Model Data format, which can be imported as Model Dataest. Model Dataest
Google KML File(*.kml) Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is defined by Google, based on XML language description, which is used to describe the display of 3D Spatial Data in Google Earth. A KML file is a collection of Graphic Elements, images, and setup information. CADCAD、Simple Dataset
Google KML Compressed Files (*.kmz) KMZ is a compressed package of KML files. CADCAD、Simple Dataset
OBJ Model File(*.obj) A standard 3DModel File format developed by Advanced Visualizer, a workstation-based 3D modeling and animation software from Alias. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
DAE Model File(*.dae) DAE is Digital Asset Exchange, also known as Collada Model, which is the core exchangeable 3DModel Format of Khronos. CADCAD、Model Dataest
IFCModel File(*.ifc) IFC stands for Industry Foundation Classes, Standard for the Exchange of Construction Data. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
FBX Model File(*.fbx) AutoDesk's free 3D Data interchange format for cross-platforms. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
3D Print 3D Model File (*.stl, *.off) Model data, which can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest
Geo3DML Geological Body Model File (*.xml) Geological body Model Data, which can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest  
TIN Terrain Cache Files (*.tinz) Terrain Model Data can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest
TIN Terrain File(*.sct) Terrain Model Data can be imported as Model Dataest. CADCAD、Model Dataest

List of Data Import formats supported by different platforms

Vector File format

File Type File format Support importing as Dataset Type Windows 64 x86 Linux ARM Godson
AutoCAD files *.dwg
CADCAD、Simple Dataset


ArcGIS data *.shp
Simple Dataset
MapInfo data *.tab
CAD、Simple Dataset
CAD、Simple Dataset
Simple Dataset
Map GIS data *.wat
CAD、Simple Dataset X X X
Spreadsheet *.csv
Property Sheet Data
Property Sheet Data
Property sheet, space Point Dataset
Telecommunication format Telecom Building Vector Region Folder
Telecom Vector Line Folder
Telecom Vector Text File
Vector surface data
Vector Line Data
Vector Text
Lidar data *.txt II. 3D Point Dataset X X X
GJB File Military standard data Vector Point Line Surface Text Dataset
Geographic Spatial Data Interchange Format *.vct Simple Dataset
EPS data format *.vct Simple Dataset X X X
GeoJson *.geojson Simple Dataset
SimpleJson *.json Simple Dataset
GPS data *.gpx Simple Dataset
Open Stree tMap data films *.osm Simple Dataset

Raster Vector File

File Type File format Support importing as Dataset Type Windows 64 x86 Linux ARM Godson
Esri file format ArcInfo Grid File Format (*.grd, *.txt, * dem) Raster Dataset
Erdas Image file *.img Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
TiffImage Data *.tif
Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
Bitmap File *.bmp Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
PNG *.png Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
JPG file *.jgp
Image Dataset、Raster Dataset
SIT *.sit Image Dataset
USGSDEM file *.dem Raster Dataset
GBDEM file *.dem Raster Dataset
Remote sensing image file *.bil
Raster Dataset
RAW files *.raw Image Dataset
Mr SID file *.sid Image, Raster Dataset
Telecom Data Raster File *.b
Raster Dataset
GIF *.gif Image, Raster Dataset
JPEG2000 file *.jp2
Image, Raster Dataset
ECW File *.ecw Image Dataset
  *.grid2 Raster Dataset
GDAL Virtual Data *.vrt Image, Raster Dataset
Military Data Elevation Model *.egc Raster Dataset
NetCDF *.nc Image, raster, Voxel Grid data × × ×

Model File format

File Type File format Support importing as Dataset Type Windows 64 x86 Linux ARM Godson
SketchUp3D Model File *.skp CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
3DS 3D Model File *.3ds CADCAD、Model Dataest
DXF 3D Model File *.dxf CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
AutoCAD Model File *.dwg CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
DirectXModel File *.x CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
3DXML 3D Model File *.3dxml CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
RVT Model File *.rvt CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
Oblique Photography OSGB films *.osg
CADCAD、Model Dataest
Hypergraph 3D Model File *.s3m
Model Dataest
Google KML File *.kml CADCAD、Model Dataest
Google KML Compressed File *.kmz CADCAD、Model Dataest
OBJ Model File *.obj CADCAD、Model Dataest
DAE Model File *.dae CADCAD、Model Dataest
IFCModel File *.ifc CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
FBX Model File *.fbx CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
Point Cloud Data format *.txt   × × ×
3D Printing 3D Model File *.stl
CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
Geo3DML Geological Body Model File *.xml CADCAD、Model Dataest × × ×
TIN Terrain Cache File *.tinz CADCAD、Model Dataest
TIN terrain file *.sct CADCAD、Model Dataest
gltf Model File *.gltf Model Dataest × × ×
CityGMLModel File *.gml
Model Dataest
FLTModel File *.flt Model Dataest × × ×

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