Function Description
Use to Add a Database role to the database to allow roles to be delegated to users, or Revoke roles from users.
At present, the functional support is described as follows:
- Only the superuser has create and manage privileges.
- Only PostGIS, YukonDatabase-type Datasource are supported.
Starting with SuperMap iDesktopX 11i (2024), the Create and Manage Roles feature is available.
Operating instructions
- Select Workspace Manager-> Database-type DatasourceContext Menu-> Manage..-> Create and Manage Roles, Or choose Toolbox-> Data Management-> Database Management-> Create and Manage Roles.
- On the popup Create and Manage Roles dialog, set the following information:
- Datasource Connection Info: required; used to verify whether the user has the Create role permission. Set the information of connecting to the Database-type Datasource through the setting button on the right. For details, please refer to the Open Database Datasource.
- Role Name: Required. Specifies the name of the database role. Create role if the role name does not exist, or use the role name directly if it does exist. The naming rules are as follows:
- The user name is unique and cannot be duplicated;
- It is recommended to use letters, numbers and underscores for naming, and PostgresSQL series databases support Chinese naming;
- The letters Case Sensitive, such as "USER" and "user," are recognized as two role names; Some special role names are reserved in the
- database, and postgres and PG _ * should be avoided for common role names; The length of the
- role name cannot exceed 64 characters;
Role Password: Optional; specify the password corresponding to the role name. Required if the database kernel is GaussDB. For openGauss and GaussDB databases, Password Settings must comply with the following rules:
The password must contain at least three types of characters: uppercase letters (A-Z), lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and special characters (~! @ # $% ^ & & * ()-_ + = | { };:.?/).
The password length is not less than 8 characters.
Username: Optional. Specify a common username that already exists in the database. If it is not specified, it is only the database Create role, and no authorization or Revoke role management is performed on.
Role Authorization or Revocation: Available when the user name is specified.
Authorize Role: Authorize a role to a user. A role can be authorized to multiple users. After authorization, the user's permissions will be the union of the user's own permissions and the role permissions.
Revoke Role: Revoke the role from the user, and the user restores its own permissions. Select to specify the name of a role that already exists in the database and has been granted to the user.
- Click the Run button to complete the creation and management of roles.
Related topics
Overview of Database User Management
Data source Permissions Management
Dataset permissions management