SDX+ for Oracle Spatial Description
Currently, users are allowed to select other schema names when opening an Oracle Spatial datasource, by just being granted certain privileges. E. g. if user1 creates an Oracle Spatial datasource and user2 wants to have certain privileges over the datasource, then the following SQL expressions can be used for granting user2 the Oracle privileges:
//Check privileges grant select on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; grant select on user1.SmOspImgRegister to user2; grant select on user1.SmDataSourceInfo to user2; grant select on user1.SMFieldInfo to user2; grant select on user1.DATASET TABLE NAME to user2; //For all dataset tables grant select on user1.DATASET TABLE NAME_RDT to user2; //For all raster data //Privilege for adding objects grant update on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; grant insert on user1.DATASET TABLE NAME to user2; //Privilege for editing objects grant update on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; grant update on user1.DATASET TABLE NAME to user2; //Privilege for deleting objects grant update on user1.SMOSPREGISTER to user2; grant delete on user1.DATASET TABLE NAME to user2; //Privilege for modifying table structure grant select on user1.sm_seq_fieldinfo to user2; grant insert on user1.SMfieldinfo to user2; grant delete on user1.SMfieldinfo to user2; grant alter on user1.DATASET TABLE NAME to user2;
- For the OracleSpatial engine, you must make sure that there are records in the view User_sdo_geom_metadata of the database, otherwise, the new datasource created will have no dataset. Solution: you can manually and externally add records to User_sdo_geom_metadata and tehn create a new datasource.
- The spatial data table must have a Primary Key. You need to specify one if there isn't a Primary Key.
- The datasets supported: Point, line, region, text, tabular, and raster . Whereas, the data in the point, line and region dataset is stored in the field: Mdsys.Sdo_Geometry. The text dataset is stored in the same way as in the SDX+ for Oracle engine.
- Sdo_Gtype that supports Mdsys.Sdo_Geometry:
- 2001, 3001, 2005, 5
- 2001, 3001, 2005, 5
- 2001, 3001, 2005, 5
- Note: When you are using SuperMap SDX+ engine for Oracle Spatial to open Oracle Spatial datasets created from other GIS software, you'd better recompute the vector dataset extent after opening the datasource.
- External raster data can be imported to SuperMap Oracle Spatial datasources as a GeoRaster Image or Grid/DEM type. Prerequisites:
- The client and server Oracle must be of 10g versions and up. 9i and lower versions are not supported.
- For multi-band images, only BIP (Band Interleaved by Pixel) and BSQ (Band Sequential) are supported. BIL(Band Interleaved by Line) is not supported.
- Compression encoding method supported: Zip.
- Bit depths supported: 8, 16, 24, 32.
- SuperMap supports GeoRaster in a different way than ArcSDE:
- The Raster data in ArcSDE is stored and displayed band by band. E.g., a BMP image is stored in 3 bands in ArcSDE with 8 bytes for each band. SuperMap will automatically combine the 3 bands into a 24byte raster dataset for processing.
- Currently, only 8-byte multiband raster data from ArcSDE is supported in SuperMap.
- Compatibility between GeoRaster in SDX+ for Oracle Spatial and other software:
- After being imported to SuperMap, Image can be correctly displayed in MapBuilder (OracleSpatial display tool); Grid and DEM can not yet correctly displayed in MapBuilder.
- Currently, SuperMap doesnot support registering and displaying Oracle Spatial data in ArcSDE.
- Projection conversion is not supported.
- Dataset encoding is not supported.
- SuperMap will not automatically recompute the extent and index of datasets after they are loaded to a new datasource. Hence, if you see no geometries in a dataset, you are advised to recompute the extent or rebuild the index of the dataset.
- Modifying the alias name of fields for vector datasets is supported.
- Rules for naming a vector dataset:
- For non-SuperMap dataset, the name is: TableName_DataColumnAlias. E.g., there is a data column called "Shape" in the table "Street", then SuperMap will name the dataset as: Street_Shape. To distinguish multiple SDO_GEOMETRY columns in a table, each SDO_GEOMETRY will correspond with a dataset.
- For SuperMap dataset, the dataset name is the same with the table name.
- Rules for naming GeoRaster datasets:
- For non-SuperMap GeoRaster, the name is: TableName_ColumnName_RasterID
- The same rules apply for data loaded to SuperMap and from other data engines. The SmGeoRaster column of the raster data primary table is of GeoRaster type, and RDT (Raster Data Table) is: PrimaryTable_RDT.