Publish Workspace


The function named "Workspace" is used for publishing data services of workspace to the local or remote server so that the data services can be shared by website. Please make sure that the iServer service has been started up before publishing workspaces and also the administrator account is needed.

Basic Steps

  1. To publish iServer services needs start local or remote iServer services. Run startup.bat/ in the folder "bin".
  2. Click "Online" tab, and then click "Workspace" button of the "Publish iServer Service" group, and then following dialog box appear.
  3. iSever Address: Enter the iServer address. Click the drop-down button and select "New Connection", and in the pop-up dialog box, enter the service address, username, and password. The addresses accessed before will be saved automatically for further use. You are allowed to enter the address "iServer installation directory/webapps/" plus the customized iServer folder name. Besides, kinds of formats of iServer service addresses are compatible.

    • localhost:8090
    • localhost:8090/iserver
    • localhost:8090/userdefine
    • http://localhost:8090
    • http://localhost:8090/iserver
    • http://localhost:8090/userdefine
    • https://localhost:8443
    • https://localhost:8443/iserver
    • https://localhost:8443/userdefine

    Note: If you do not start iServer service, you can not log in the service successfully.

  4. REST Service

    REST is short for REpresentational State Transfer which is a software architecture style. REST services contain data service, map service, spatial analyst service, realspace service, transportation analyst service. Users are allowed to check any check box according to their requirements. About introduction to REST services please refer to REST Service.

    Data Service

    REST data service provides accessing and operations of a dataset and datasource. It contains the following items.

    • Users are allowed to get or modify datasource information such as the datasource name, description, projection, coordinate unit and distance unit.
    • Users are allowed to get or edit dataset information such as creation, modification or deleting of the dataset.
    • Users are allowed to operate features of a dataset such as getting, modifying, adding, and deleting features.
    • Users are allowed to operate fields of a dataset such as getting, modifying, adding fields and statistics.
    • Users are allowed to query features of a dataset.

    Map Service

    REST map service provides accessing and operations of a map and layer. It contains the following items.

    • Users are allowed to get the map and layer and its related information.
    • Users are allowed to operate a layer such as creating, modifying, and deleting.
    • Users are allowed to get a overview map.
    • Users are allowed to do query, distance measurement, area measurement of a map and get the result.
    • The features can be highlighted on a map.
    • The map tiles can be removed from the server.

    Spatial Analyst Service

    Rest Spatial Analyst Service provides spatial analyst of a dataset and features. It contains the following items.

    • Users are allowed to do buffer analysis, overlay analysis, surface analysis (such as extract isolines, extract isoregions), proximity analysis (such as create thiessen polygon), interpolation, spatial relation analysis and linear analysis based on a dataset.
    • Users are allowed to do buffer analysis, overlay analysis, surface analysis (such as extract isolines, extract isoregions), and proximity analysis (such as create thiessen polygon) based on features.

    3D Service

    Realspace service provides operations of 3D scenes and data. It contains the following items.

    • Users are allowed to get the list of layers of a 3D scene and related information.
    • Users are allowed to get the description of a 3D layer, including 3D layer name, type, location, and the cache level of the specified 3D layer in 3D data.
    • Users are allowed to get 3D data and data configuration file.
    • Users are allowed to get the index file, cache file of 3D model cache data and the version of some cache file.

    Traffic Network Analyst service

    Traffic Network Analyst service provides analysis services including find closest facility, location-allocation, TSP analysis, MTSP analysis, optimal path analysis, and service analysis.

  5. OGC Services

    OGC-The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) is a non-profit, international, voluntary standards organization that is leading the development of standards for geospatial and location based services. The coordinate system of the data itself can be supported by OGC services, and also users are allowed to customize geographic coordinate system, planar coordinate system, and the coordinate systems including GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326), PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857) are supported. More about introudction to OGC services please refer to OGC service.

  6. Other Services: include ArcGIS REST map services, Google REST map services, and Baidu REST map services.
  7. ArcGIS REST Map Services

    ArcGIS REST map services provides features to access maps and layers and operate on them. The following content details specfic features.

    • Gets maps and layers and check properties.
    • Retrieves, adds, updates, and deletes elements.
    • Supports raster query, spatial query, range query, and SQL query.
    • Supports generating full-screen maps, hawkeye maps, vector tiles, and so on.
    • Clear the cached map images from the server.
  8. Parameter Settings: The "Editable" button of parameter settings is used for control whether the data can be edited or not. After checking the check box, the data will be edited. For example, create a new dataset, modify the dataset name.
  9. Set the related parameters in the dialog, click the "Publish" button to finish it. The output window will display whether the services are published successfully or not. If it is successful, the types of services and links will be displayed in the output window. Please refer to the following figure.