Adding 2D Map Caches
The 2D map cache file (*.sci) can be loaded as a datasource.
In the workspace manager, right click the vertice of the datasources, and select Open File Datasource to display the Open dialog box, and click the Look In arrow to point to the created 2D map cache file (*.sci).
Adding 3D Caches
The 3D cache data include: 3D image cache files (*.sci3d, *.sci, *.sit), 3D terrain cache files (*.sci, *.sct), 3D vector model caches (*.scv, *.scp), global map cache files (*.sci). Various kinds of 3D cache data can be loaded into the scene of application programs.
For more details, please refer to Adding 3D Caches.
Adding Scene Caches
A new workspace and several cache folders are formed after the scene cache is created. Not only various kinds of newly created cache layers, but also the style information of each cache layer are saved in the new workspace; each folder corresponds to cache data of a different type, and the inner directory structure of the folder is consistent with the directory structure of the corresponding cache type.
Users can directly open the workspace file (*.smwu) corresponding to the scene cache in the application programs, and restore the entire 3D scene.
Also, the created cache data can be loaded by loading the 3D cache in the scene. For more details, please refer to Adding 3D Caches.