Map Caches Folder Structure

Different versions of SuperMap iDesktop 7C have different versions of map caches.

  • The 2.0 version is the cache scheme of IS .NET, and used in SuperMap IS .NET 6.0 or higher.
  • The 2.1 version is the cache scheme of IS .NET, and used in SuperMap IS .NET 6 Service Pack 2 or higher.
  • The 3.0 version is the cache scheme of iServer 2.0, and used in SuperMap iServer Java 2008 or higher.
  • The 3.1 version is the cache scheme of iServer 2.0, and used in SuperMap iServer Java 2008 Service Pack 2 or higher.
  • The 4.0 version is the cache scheme of iServer 6R, and used in iServer Java 6R or higher.
  • The 5.0 version is the cache scheme of the new iServer 6R, and used in SuperMap iServer Java 6R(2012) Service Pack 1. Only 5.0 version map cache can create cache with tilling.

The folder structure use three kinds of cache schemes: iServer 6R, iServer 2.0 and IS .NET, layering by different scale levels and block form the top left corner.

The folder structure of the three kinds of cache versions are introduced below.

 iServer 6R Cache Folder Structure

iServer 6R is the cache scheme used in UGC (Universal GIS Class) products, including SuperMap iDesktop 7C, SuperMap Objects Java/.NET 6R and SuperMap iServer 6R.

The map cache directory created by iServer 6R cache scheme have 6 levels, as showed in the figure below:

    iServer 6R Cache Folder Structure
  • The first level: Root, used to save different cache files. The name can be specified when creating the cache.
  • The second level: Map Cache. The default format is: MapName_Width*Height, in which Width and Height are the width and height of the hexadecimal image, for example, WorldMap_Day_100?00 means the size of the cache image is 256pixel*256pixel.
  • The third level: Scale. For example, the folder 15625000 contains all the tile files of the map with its scale 1:15625000.
  • The forth level: Row Number. The folder name is the row number of the spatial region. The spatial regions are the blocks got by dividing the map with grid block algorithm. There is at least one image in the region and the row number increases form the top to the bottom, it is a decimal value and can be a negative when the extent is very large.
  • The fifth level: Column Number. The folder name is the column number of the region. The column number increases from left to right, it is a decimal value and can be a negative when the extent is very large.
  • The sixth level: File Name. It is in form of RowxCol_MapHashCode.postfix, Row is the row index in the cache block and Col is the column index, both of them can be a negative value. MapHashCode is the hexadecimal HashCode value of the map in the current scale, postfix is the extension of the cache file.

 IS .NET Cache Folder Structure

IS .NET cache scheme also construct the cache by layering, it is mainly use in SFC (SuperMap Foundation Class) products.

The map cache directory created by IS .NET cache scheme have 5 levels, as showed in the figure below:

    IS .NET Cache Folder Structure
  • The first level: Cache root, used to save different cache files. The name can be specified when creating the cache.
  • The second level: Map Cache. The default format is: MapName_Width*Height, in which Width and Height are the width and height of the hexadecimal image, for example, WorldMap_Day_100?00 means the size of the cache image is 256pixel*256pixel.
  • The third level: Scale. For example, the folder 15625000 contains all the tile files of the map with its scale 1:15625000.
  • The forth level: Image index. Cut a map into multiple sheets with grid block algorithm, every mapsheet correspond to a index value in the map in form of X*Y. X, Y are the row number and column number respectively.
  • The fifth level: File Name. The format is centerIndex_MapHashCode.postfix, centerIndex is the index of the center point of the cache image, MapHashCode is the HashCode value of the map in current scale, postfix is the extension of the cache image file.

 iServer 2.0 Cache Folder Structure

iServer 2.0 cache scheme is used in SuperMap iServer 2.0. The 2D map cache directory including five levels, as showed in the figure below:

    iServer 2.0 Cache Folder Structure
  • The first level: Cache root, used to save different cache files. The name can be specified when creating the cache.
  • The second level: Map Cache, The folder name is in form of MapName_Width*Height, Width*Height use decimal values.
  • The third level: Scale. For example, the folder 15625000 contains all the tile files of the map with its scale 1:15625000.
  • The forth level: Cache File Index. A index is given to every block. Create X*Y files for every map according to the size of the cache file, every column has a Index_x, x is a value between 0 and N-1, every row has a index_y, y is a value between 0 and M-1.The directory name is the index of the column, that is Index_x.
  • The fifth level: File Name. The format is Index_y.postfix. For example, the folder selected in the image above, folder 5 means Index_x is 5, the file name 15 means Index_y is 15, so the image is at the fifth row and fifteenth column.

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  Map Tiles

  Map Tile Types

  Map Tile Storage Types

  Suggestions on the Use of Map Tiles