
A workspace is where you work with your data. A workspace must be created first before any operations. All of your work, such as the datasources opened, maps, layouts and scenes you configured, etc., can be saved in a workspace for future use.

Any time you start the application program, an empty workspace is created for you to add data or open an existing workspace.

Workspace Types

According to how workspaces are stored, there are two types: file workspace and database workspace.

A file workspace is a workspace stored in file. The file formats include .smwu, .sxwu for SuperMap 6R and above. For SuperMap GIS 6 and previous versions, the file formats are *.smw and *.sxw. A database workspace is a workspace stored in the database. Currently, a workspace can be saved in PostgreSQL, MySQL, DM, MongoDB oracle or SQL Server database.

Hierarchical Structure of Workspace

A workspace manages all datasources, maps, layouts, scenes and symbol libraries in it in a tree hierarchy. Datasources, Maps, Layouts, Scenes and Symbol Libraries together construct the first level of the workspace tree. In a workspace, Datasource manages all opened datasources, Maps manages all maps, Layouts manages all layouts, Scenes manages all scenes and Resources manages Marker Symbol Library, Line Symbol Library and Fill Symbol Library.

The existance of maps, layouts, scenes and symbol libraries in a workspace relies on the workspace. Once the workspace is deleted, they will also be deleted. However, datasources in a workspace will not be deleted when the workspace is deleted because datasoruces are stored independent of the workspace.


  1. The default SuperMap Deskpro 6R and workspace file is .smwu file. The .sxwu file is the the workspace file in XML format, which can be opened with notepad for in-depth information about datasources, maps and resource files, etc. in the workspace to configure other workpaces, especially map styles. You can save an .smwu workspace file to .sxwu file.
  2. Workspace file with *.smwu, *.sxwu, *.smw and *.sxw extensions are supported in SuperMap Deskpro 6R and . SuperMap Deskpro 6R can save workspace as *.smwu, *.sxwu, *.smw and *.sxw. can save workspace as *.smwu and *.sxwu.
  3. If the opened workspace is .smw or .sxw extensions, results based on new functions provided in products, such as compound label thematic maps, will be lost. You can save the workspace as SuperMap UGC 6.0 or 7.0 to save corresponding operations.
  4. The .smw files are workspace files for SuperMap GIS 6 products or earlier versions. Files with .sxw extensions are the corresponding XML files for the .smw workspace files.
  5. Workspace files with .smwu and .sxwu extensions are not supported in SuperMap GIS 6 products or earlier versions.