Charset List
Charset Description
Charset Description
ASCII (OEM) Extended ASCII character set.
EastEurope Eastern European Character set.
Thai Tai character set.
Russian Russian character set.
Baltic Baltic character set.
Arabic Arabic character set.
Hebrew Hebrew character set.
Vietnamese Vietnamese character set.
Turkish Turkish character set.
Greek Greek character set.
CHINESE_BIG5 Chinese character set used mostly in Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan.
CHINESE_GB18030 Chinese character set used in mainland china.
Johab Korean character set.
Hangeul An alphebetic writing system of Korean.
ShiftJIS Japanese character set.
Mac Characters used by Macintosh.
Symbol Symbol character set.
ASCII (Default) Extended ASCII character set.
ASCII ASCII character set.
UTF-8 Universal Character Set/Unicode Transformation Format-8. A variable-length character encoding for Unicode.
UTF-7 variable-length character encoding that was proposed for representing Unicode text using a stream of ASCII characters.
UTF-32 Unicode Transformation Format-32. A character encoding schema that maps code points of Unicode character set to a sequence of 4 bytes (32 bites).
Windows1252 A character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by the default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows in English and some other western languages. Windows1252 (the Windows 9x standard for Western European languages).
Korean Korean character set.
Unicode A computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representing and handling of the text expressed in most of the world's writing systems.
Cyrillic Cyrillic (Windows)
IA5 (German) IA5 (German)
IA5 (Swedish) IA5 (Swedish)
IA5 (Norwegian) IA5 (Norwegian)