Setting Line Symbol Styles

In the Symbol Style Setting area in the Line Symbol Selector, the style of a line symbol can be set, including the line width, line color, etc.

First, select a line symbol from the symbol list. The style settings in the Symbol Style Setting area will be applied to this selected line symbol.

Style Setting Area

The following content describes what symbol styles can be set in this area and how to set them.

  • Line Width

    The line width, which is accurate to 0.1 mm. You can directly type a value in the box or move the slide bar that will show up by clicking the right arrow. While making a line symbol, the specification for line width might be invalid because certain child lines have fixed line widths. Therefore, setting line width is only applicable to the line symbol with child lines that have no child lines with fixed widths.

  • Line Color

    The display color of the line symbol. You can select a color from the color panel. While making a line symbol, the specification for line color might be invalid because certain child lines have fixed line colors. Therefore, setting line color is only applicable to the line symbol with child lines that have no child lines with fixed colors.